About the author:
Zaitsev A. V., Boychenko O. N., Nikolicin A. K.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The articles presents the use of techniques for determining the decrease of tooth sensitivity. Modern dentistry pays great attention to the issue of tooth sensitivity. The state of hyperesthesia of the teeth is widely spread as a separate pathology, and as a symptom of carious and non-carious diseases of the dental organs, inflammatory and dystrophic periodontal diseases. According to the results of various studies, hyperesthesia of the teeth is present in 25-92.9% of the world’s population.The phenomenon of hyperesthesia of teeth is not fully understood. According to the paradigm proposed by M. Brannstrom in 1963, for the treatment of hyperesthesia of the teeth, means, obturating, or plugging flaws appearing in the hard tissues of the tooth are used. Modern dentistry considers the most actual use for this purpose of the technology of blocking the carrying out of a nerve impulse by an amino acid and the technique of deep fluorination. Developers of companies that produce desensitizers constantly improve their products, so the lines of their products are always replenished with new ones. The material for this study was the documentation proposed to determine the effectiveness of toothpaste to reduce the sensitivity of teeth, as well as the methods used by domestic dentists to determine GB in subjects of professional and personal hygiene of this purpose. Analysis of the information contained in the documentation for the study of effectiveness and local data on studies of a similar type. As a result of the study, it was noted that it is much more convenient for local specialists to use in their studies of domestic classification of HR graduation, possibly with partial transformation. Local classification is simpler, easier to reproduce and more understandable both for patients participating in the subjective part of the study, and for dentists studying hyperesthesia of teeth in those suffering from this ailment. Therefore, for the effectiveness of oral hygiene items (and, probably, any other products), in the territory of the post-Soviet space, producers can be recommended to create their own questionnaires on the basis of classifications and other normative documents existing in these areas. Taking into account the recommendations of P.A. Leus, it can be added that the classification of HR grades, proposed by a well-known firm to investigate the effects produced by the paste to reduce the sensitivity of teeth, without “calibrating” a specialist, will have low reproducibility and reliability.
tooth hyperesthesia, toothpaste, efficacy
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 271-275 pages, index UDK 616.31. – 083 +665.583.4(477)