About the author:
Sharmazanova O. P., Demidova O. O., Suissi Hamza
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of mastoiditis, to improve the quality and efficiency of diagnosis of patients with inflammatory and dystrophic events in mastoid by developing the necessary differential diagnostic criteria for the origin of mastoiditis and other inflammatory diseases of the middle ear and mastoid are based on a comprehensive analysis. 80 surveys were conducted prior to operative and conservative treatment. We performed 102 MRI studies. Males accounted for 52,9% (54 patients), women 47,1% (48 patients). The patient’s age ranged from 18 to 90 years whereas average age was 43,3±3,6 years. Scan parameters: scanning in 3 planes, thickness 0.6 mm to 5 mm. The patient’s head is fixed to exclude dynamic artifacts. When analyzing an MRI image, T2, T2 TRUFI, T1-MPRAGE, and FLAIR intensive sequences are used in three planes. The ability of magnetic resonance imaging allows us to distinguish tissue of mastoid, to detect reactive changes of the mucous membrane of the mastoid. All 102 patients examined by magnetic resonance imaging were divided into 6 groups. Than all patients were divided into subgroups according to the duration of the inflammatory process. The first group included 11 patients (10.8%) with acute mastoiditis. The second group included 67 patients (65.7%) with chronic mastoiditis. The third group included 1 patient (1.0%) with post-traumatic mastoiditis. There were formed two groups with complications of mastoiditis. The fourth group included 14 patients (13.7%) with external cranial complications: labyrinth, hearing impairment, paralysis of the facial nerve. The fifth group included 3 patients (2.9%) with intracranial complications: the spread of infection into the cranial cavity, which causes meningitis, encephalitis, abscess of different parts of the brain, phlegmons in the neck. Sixth group (control) included 6 persons (6%). The control group was formed from patients who were sent for examination and found to be healthy. The evaluation criteria were sufficient pneumatization of the cells of the mastoid, the absence of content and inflammation of the mucous membrane in the cells of the mastoid. High resolution and high-quality three-dimensional reconstruction allowed optimally and in a short time to choose the optimal scheme of conservative therapy, to determine and plan the volume and mode of surgical intervention. The method of magnetic resonance imaging is the most informative in patients with chronic mastoiditis, with intracranial and intracranial complications of mastoiditis, as well as for repeated repeated examinations due to the absence of radiation load. Surveys that were performed in a dynamic, helped to determine the effectiveness of conservative therapy and surgical intervention, prevented the occurrence of complications. Absence of radiation load allows for numerous repeated researches, helps to be sure of the successful treatment at different stages of the rehabilitation period, and evaluate the result. The use of magnetic resonance imaging will help to timely diagnose mastoid pain, which will contribute to the timely treatment and prevention of complications. The perspectives of further researches are associated with the development of clinical tools for diagnostics of mastoiditis.
mastoiditis, MRI, diagnostics
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 290-295 pages, index UDK 616-071+616.211-002+616.21