About the author:
Yarkovyi V. V., Korol M. D., Kindiy D. D., Odzhubeiska O. D., Maliuchenko M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The results of physico-mechanical studies of calciothermic zirconium and titanium used for dental implants manufacturing are presented in the paper. The physical and mechanical properties of titanium and zirconium alloys were studied on samples made in the form of cylinder with 3 mm diameter and 10 mm of height. The number of studied samples amounted to 5 pieces of both zirconium and titanium. Cylindric samples with 3 mm diameter and 10 mm of length were made from industrial rods of both materials, which were deformed by compression along the axis at a speed 0.1 mm/min using MRK-1 deformation device with strain diagram registration applying self-recording device KSP-4. The samples of both metals were presented in the form of plates with the size 6x6x2 mm3; one surface of each was ground and polished with diamond paste to a mirror-like. Their microhardness was studied using PMT-3 microhardness tester at two loads − 0.1N and 0.2N. The average value of the yield point of zirconium was about 16% greater than that of titanium. The stress relaxation was also studied in the framework of compression research. The deformation device was stopped directly after reaching the yield point and the stress relaxation curve was recorded. The so-called activation volume V could be determined in the framework of the logarithmic equation of stress relaxation by the analysis of its temporary dependence. The size of the activation volume was found to be the same for titanium BT-1-00 and calciothermic zirconium, 0.83 • 10-27 m3 and 1.1 • 10-27 m3, respectively. The difference between the presented sizes could be considered insignificant, and the size order itself indicated the sufficiently high density of dislocation defects in these materials. The microhardness of titanium BT-1-00 was significantly lower, than that of calciothermic zirconium at the load of 0.1 N in all series of studied samples, which was 162.6 MPa and 202.6 MPa, respectively. At the load of 0.2 N the microhardness indices of the alloys were lower, than at the load of 0.1 N and amounted to 157.8 MPa in titanium BT-1-00 and 186.8 MPa in zirconium. When comparing the average values, the difference between titanium BT-1-00 and calciothermic zirconium microhardness amounted to 37 MPa. This fact confirmed that calciothermic zirconium microhardness was significantly higher than that of titanium BT-1-00. On the basis of the conducted studies, it has been proved that calciothermic zirconium was better than titanium BT-1-00 for some physico-mechanical characteristics, which allows us to recommend it for dental implants manufacturing.
implants, calciothermic zirconium, titanium, microhardness, yield strength
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 295-298 pages, index UDK 616–77–089. 843:546. 831:546. 82–042.2