Shcherbina N. A., Vygivska L. A.


About the author:

Shcherbina N. A., Vygivska L. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Vaginal microbiocenosis is a complex dynamic system in which microorganisms interact with each other and the environment. In pregnancy, qualitative and quantitative changes in vaginal microbiocenosis, resulting in a decrease in colonization resistance, pose greater danger, as microorganisms can enter amniotic fluid and cause intrauterine infection of the fetus, premature birth and other pathological processes. In connection with the foregoing, the purpose of this study was to study the features of vaginal microbiocenosis in pregnant women with intrauterine infection (IUI). Object and methods of the research. Depending on the outcome for newborns and according to the results of follow-up examination of pregnant women, all women were divided into groups: Group 1 of pregnant women with the presence of bacterial infections without implementation of IUI (n = 30) and with implementation of IUI (n = 30), Group 2 of pregnant with the presence of viral infections, without implementation of IUI (n = 30) and with implementation of IUI (n = 30), Group 3 of pregnant with the presence of infections of the combined polyethological structure without implementation of IUI (n = 30) and with implementation of IUI (n = 30) and control group with pregnant women with physiological pregnancy (n = 50). The study of microbiocenosis included determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of vaginal bacteria. Calculations were carried out using Microsoft Excel and Statistica 8.0 software. Results of the study and their discussion. Microscopic examination of vaginal discharge of control group women did not show any impairment of vaginal microbiocenosis but detected predominant amount of gram-positive lactobacilli (Doderlein bacilli), secondary to moderate content of epithelial cells and single leukocytes, insignificant number of gram-positive cocci cells and yeast-like fungi. Group 1 of women without IUI implementation were found to have 20 to 30 leukocytes within sight, predominant lactobacilli in smears, frequently Gardnerella, rarely gram-positive cocci, gram-negative rods and yeast-like fungi; in Group 1 with implementation of IUI, the number of “key” cells prevailed over the number of leukocytes, there were Gardnerella, gram-positive cocci, yeast cells, corynebacteria, gram-negative rods, in single cases leptotrichia and mobiluncus. Group 2 patients were found to have a significant number of leukocytes, more expressed in the group of women with implementation of IUI. Smears predominantly contained Gardnerella and yeast cells, modest amounts of gramnegative rods, leptotrichia, mobilunculus and corynebacteria. Group 3 women were shown to have leukocyte reaction with varying degrees of severity secondary to a large number of epithelial and key cells, while Gardnerella and yeast cells prevailed in implementation of IUI, with smaller amount of corynebacteria, mobiluncus, leptotrichia, gramnegative rods secondary to a complete absence of lactobacteria. Conclusion: changes in qualitative and quantitative composition of vaginal microflora indicate the presence of dysbiosis, resulting in a disruption of colonization resistance of vagina and activation of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. The expressed predominance of opportunistic microflora in vagina can become a source of an ascending infection, and also increase the likelihood of contamination of the fetus as it passes through the birth canal.


vaginal microbiocenosis, opportunistic microflora, intrauterine infection


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 299-303 pages, index UDK 618.33-022.7:618.15-008.87-078