About the author:
Aslanov Z. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The goal is to prove a hypothesis (theory) the presence of lymphatic drainage in the perineural tissue by examining the trigeminal and olfactory nerve under the microscope to check the possible presence of lymph in the perineural tissue of other cranial nerves, confirm the role of lymphatic system in drainage of cerebrospinal fluid, and thus give direction to further research. Methods. 11 male corpses without intracranial injuries older than 18 years (randomly selected fresh corpses without regard to education, socio-economic status and cultural status) were chosen as the object of the study. Persons with any intracranial pathology in the past have not been included in the study. For dissection was defined skin line from the top in the front direction via the ear. Along this line the incision was made with a Lancet 4, skin and subcutaneous tissue adrenalize together. Part of skin behind the incision and the subcutaneous tissue is folded back. The skin in front of the incision was bent forward and the skull was exposed. After removing the cranial cover and the frontal area, the olfactory nerve and its bulb opened. The part of the olfactory nerve corresponding to the anterior cranial cavity of the lattice plate was incised as a 1 cm sample and placed in a 10% formalin solution. Next, removed the brains, keeping them at the front and make a cut from mesencephalon. At the same time exposed N. Trigeminus. Having cut the meninges, the trigeminal nerve was given a more visual appearance. From the trigeminal nerve also cut off a piece with a size of 1 cm, which was placed in a 10% solution of formalin. As an immunohistological staining system, a fully automated apparatus (Ventana BenchMark XT, Ventana Medical Systems, Tucson, AZ) was used without Biotin, with a multi-mernobasnovannym HRP, peroxide substrate and 3.3, – diaminobenzidine tetrachloride (DAB) Chromogen (ultra VievTM Universal DAB Detection Kit, Catalog number 760-500, Ventana Medical Systems, Tucson, AZ). Only the primary antibodies Anti-D2-40 (klon D2-40, DakoCytomation, 1:100 dilution, katalog no: M3619) were made manually and incubated 32 min at 37°C deg. After painting the sections hematoxylene and coloring solutions in the apparatus, the process was completed manually by carrying out stages of dehydration, discoloration Xylenol and coating of the drug glass. Results. No immunohistochemical staining was detected in the vessels around the olfactory nerve. At the same time, around the trigeminal nerve, separate lymph vessels were observed, which responded with D2-40. It was found that these vessels have characteristic features of blood vessels. Conclusion. Despite the fact that in the course of our explorations around the olfactory nerve was not detected lymphatic vessels, however, the results of previous studies and the presence of lymphatic vessels around the trigeminal nerve allows us to think about them around other cranial nerves.
cerebrospinal fluid, lymphatic system, histology
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 304-307 pages, index UDK 611.075.8