About the author:
Monastyrsky V. М.
Type of article:
Scentific article
A compensatory-adaptive reaction develops in a single kidney after a nephrectomy which ends with kidney hypertrophy. The purpose of the study. To determine the parameters of a single kidney, after the nephrectomy of the contralateral, and compare them with parameters of the kidneys of patients who had no damage to the urinary system based on magnetic resonance imaging. Object and methods. Complex examination of 124 patients with a single kidney and 65 patients with two kidneys who had no kidney and urinary tract diseases were conducted. The research was carried out on a magnetic resonance tomography Philips Intera-1,5T (standard magnetic resonance protocol included scanning in sagittal, frontal and axial projections to obtain T1 weighted images). The determination of the somatotype was carried out using the B. Heath and J. Carter method with the definition of the endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic components of the somatotype. Results and discussion. The kidney length varies considerably in patients with a single kidney, depending on the somatotype, and compared with those in patients with two kidneys. The width of the right kidney of the patients with mesomorphic somatotype was statistically significantly higher compared to the same indicator in patients with ectomorphic somatotype, and the width of the left kidney was smaller (p <0.05) compared with the index in patients with endomorphic somatotype. Indicators of the thickness and volume of the single left and right kidneys in patients, depending on the somatotype, were not statistically significantly different. Conclusions. It was established that morphometric parameters of a single kidney (length, width, thickness and volume) of patients of all somatotypes were statistically significantly different from those in patients without kidney and urinary tract diseases. The length of the left and right kidneys in both men and women was greatest in patients with ectomorphic somatotype, and the smallest in patients with endomorphic somatotype. The measure of the length of a single kidney of patients with mesomorphic somatotype was less (p <0.05) compared to the same indicator in patients with ectomorphic somatotype and greater (p <0.05) compared to those in patients with endomorphic somatotype.
single kidney, somatotypes, kidney size, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 311-316 pages, index UDK 616.61-089.87: 616.61-007.61:611.061.1