About the author:
Feleshtinsky Ya. P., Born E. E., Dyadik O. O., Grigorovskaya A. V., Kozlova K. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the work is to experimentally substantiate the expediency of closing the defect of the intestinal wall with a collagen implant. Object and methods. The study was conducted on 80 Wistar rats (226 ± 4,6 g). Depending on the version of the operative animal, they are divided into 2 groups (40 animals). In group I, the closure of the defect of the intestinal wall with a freeze-dried collagen implant was used. In group II – sewing with knot seams. From the experiment, the animals were taken out in accordance with the conditions of eftanasias. To evaluate the results, morphological, histological, immunohistochemical, and microscopic methods were used. Research results and their discussion. In group I, on the 14th day, fragments of the intestine wall with abruptly altered structure, areas of stale hemorrhagic infiltration and cells of fibrinoidal necrosis were found. In the intact part of the intestine there are a number of compensatory changes (thickening of the mucous membrane, lengthening villi and deepening of the crypt, accelerating cell migration). The immature connective tissue actively proliferates along the edge of the defect, a fickle appearance due to indirect degradation of damaged structures caused by the activity of the macrophages, and the replacement of the latter by numerous collagen-forming neoplastic fibers. On day 21, the number of fibroblasts is significantly reduced. There are signs of the process of initial epithelization. On the 28th day – the formation of mature connective tissue is completed; granulation tissue is replaced by an organized fibrous tissue with regression of most capillaries and vessels of the microcirculation bed. Conclusions. Using a collagen implant prevents premature resorption, provides robust mechanical stability in the presence of bacterial infection.
collagen implant, defect of the intestinal wall, connective tissue
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 316-319 pages, index UDK 617.55-007.43-089.168.1-089.844