About the author:
Tsygykalo О. V., Palis S. Yu.
Type of article:
Scentific article
With the purpose to determine peculiarities of embryogenesis and dynamics of spatial-temporal changes of the mandibular structure at the early period of human ontogenesis 30 specimens of human embryos and pre-fetuses 4,0-30,0 mm of the parietal-coccygeal length (PCL) (4-8 weeks of the intrauterine development) were examined. The investigation was carried out with the use of a complex of morphological methods of examination (morphometry, preparing series of successive histological cuts, microscopy, three-dimensional computed reconstruction, statistical analysis). Mesenchymal cells of the mandibular processes of the first gill-like arch formed at the beginning of the 4th week of development are found to be the sources of mandibular anlage. The mandibular processes grow quickly till the 5th week of the intrauterine development. They merge between themselves along the midline and originate the formation of the mandible and lower lip. Preliminary the base of the mandibular arch consists of two Meckel’s cartilages – derivatives of the first pharyngeal arch. They are first seen at the 5th week of the development (embryos of 4,0-5,0 mm PCL) in the form of thickly located of small cells of an oval shape surrounded on the periphery with the layer of chondrocyte-like cells. At the 8th week of the development involution of Meckel’s cartilage begins, associated with ossification of the whole rudiment of the lower jaw. Therefore, this period of development should be considered as a critical one – sometimes variants and congenital defects of the organ occur. Meckel’s cartilages participate in the development of the acoustic organ bones.
mandible, embryo, pre-fetus, Meckel’s cartilage, intrauterine development, human
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 320-323 pages, index UDK 611.31.013:611.716.4.018