About the author:
Voznesenskaya T. Yu., Stupchuk M. S., Grushka N. G., Kondratskaya O. A., Blashkiv T. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Nowadays, biomedical nanotechnology and nano medicine develops rapidly in the search for new drugs. Among them drugs based on silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) occupy the leading position. The AgNP product industry focuses on a wide range of antimicrobial activity of AgNPs, including textiles, food storage containers, antiseptic sprays, catheters, and bandages. Recently, AgNPs have become significant due to their therapeutic potential, which includes their ability to perform a role of antitumor agents. Despite the AgNPs promising potential in medicine, the impact of AgNPs on human health (both positive and negative) is still not fully understood. Glomerulonephritis, of immune etiology in particular, is a serious problem for women’s reproductive health. There is evidence of a significant percentage of preterm labor and perinatal fetal loss among patients with membranous glomerulonephritis and IgA-glomerulonephritis. Moreover, according to the existing data, 90% of women with membranous glomerulonephritis gave birth to healthy children. The aim of the given study was to estimate the influence of the tretment of silver nanoparticles on the DNA of the nuclei of thymus cells, lymph nodes and the follicular environment of the oocyte was assessed under conditions of experimental systemic autoimmune disorder (glomerulonephritis) in mice. Experimental systemic autoimmune disorder (glomerulonephritis) in mice was achieved by immunization of white laboratory mice of the first generation with a kidney antigen suspension derived from a parent. Nanoparticles (AgNPs) – 30 nm (concentration: 8 mg/ml for metal, shape: spherical, color: brown) synthesized at the Ovcharenko Institute of Biocolloidal Chemistry NAS of Ukraine in accordance with the original protocol (by chemical condensation). The treatment was carried out the following way: kidney antigen Suspension – intraperitoneal three times 1 time per day; the procedure was repeated in 3 weeks, one time intraperitoneally with the same dose (10 mkL of suspension per 10 grams of body weight of the animal). Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs, 30 nm) – intravenous three times: 1 time per day for 1 hour before immunization of animals with suspension of kidney antigen; as well as in 3 weeks once with the same dose (2 mg/kg). Before the start and during the experiment, the animals were assessed by the objective status (appearance, general motor activity, need for food and water, 2 times a week, determined body weight) and the excretory kidney function (based on the number of spontaneous urinary tract disorders per day, urine samples were determined using protein strips using a single dose of urine (diagnostic test strips for fast detection of protein, “Pharmaco”, Ukraine). Groups of animals: I – control animals (n=6) – treated with physiological solution (0.3 ml). II – animals under conditions of experimental systemic autoimmune disorder (immunized with antigenic kidney suspension) (n=8). III – animals under conditions of experimental systemic autoimmune disorder (immunized with an antigenic kidney suspension) were treated with silver nanoparticles (n=8). IV – animals under conditions of treatment with silver nanoparticles (2 mg/kg, 0.3 ml) (n=6). Material for the study (thymus, lymph nodes, ovaries) was taken under anesthetic anesthesia on third day (after the last injection). Conclusion: it was established that DNA damage increases in the nuclei of thymus cells, lymph nodes and the follicular environment of the oocyte under the conditions of experimental systemic autoimmune disorder; the damage DNA of cells of the thymus and lymph nodes increases under conditions of AgNPs tretment; DNA damage in nuclei of thymus cells, lymph nodes and follicular environment of the oocyte decreases under conditions of experimental systemic autoimmune disorder and tretment of AgNPs.
silver nanoparticles, experimental systemic autoimmune disorder, thymus, lymph nodes, cells of the follicular environment of the oocyte
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 327-331 pages, index UDK 612.017:616.36:612.621.1:615.27:611.018