About the author:
Sorokina I. V., Kaluzhyna O. V., Pliten O. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Hypoxia complicates various complications of pregnancy, somatic and infectious diseases of the mother, her harmful habits. The cardiovascular system is one of the most vulnerable under such conditions. The aim of the study was to detect morphological features of CD16 macrophages and smooth myocytes (SMC) of the pulmonary artery (PA) of fetuses and newborns from mothers with experimental chronic intrauterine hypoxia (CIH) on the basis of a complex pathomorphological study. The study was conducted on laboratory WAG line rats. All material was divided into a control group (18 cases), and a group of off springs who suffered from chronic oxygen deficiency (16 cases). Morphological investigation included macroscopic, histologic (hematoxylin and eosin staining), immunohistochemical (study of macrophages CD16 and smooth myocytes) methods, followed by statistical processing of the received data. Macroscopic study using a magnifier (×3, 8 diopters) of both groups PA demonstrated its wall elasticity, smooth intima with whitish-grayish color. Microscopically, with hematoxylin and eosin staining all three layers of the vessel are determined: the inner (tunica intima), medium (tunica media) and external (tunica adventitia). The smooth muscles cells were observed diffuse evenly with MCA to Monoclonal Anti-Human Smooth Muscle Actin in the sub-endothelial layer, the medium layer. They had oblong shape, with moderate intensity expressed cytoplasm marker. The density of their location in wall thickness of the control group PA was 28.20±0.63 cells in the field of view (×1000). The density of SMC location in wall thickness of the CIH group PA was 20.00±0.35 cells in the field of view (×1000). In addition to intima and medium layers, SMC were still located in the adventitious vessels walls. The number of macrophages CD16 in the investigated vessel wall of control group was determined; their placement density was 26.35±1.42 cells in the field of view (×600). The placement density of macrophages CD16 in the investigated vessel wall of group with prolonged oxygen deficiency was 29.45±0.84 cells in the field of view (×600). Morphological features investigation of SMC in the vascular wall of laboratory animals revealed that the number of PA smooth myocytes under the CIH influence significantly decreased (p<0.05). From a few literature data, it is known that severe oxygen deficiency, anoxia are the causes of proliferation reduction of PA SMC. Acute hypoxia according to various authors view may have different effects: SMC proliferative activity stimulation including PA, and their reproduction inhibition. The study of the number of macrophages in the vessel wall under the influence of chronic oxygen deficiency found that the density of CD16 cells location in the vessel wall tended to increase in the CIH group compared with the control one (p≥0.05). This fact, in our opinion, may be due to their proliferation activation in conditions with prolonged hypoxia. In the literature, there are reports about increased macrophages activity in various pathological conditions, for example, under hypoxia, inflammation in tissues. Therefore, our data do not contradict the existing ones and indicate the universality of the macrophage response to the hypoxic influence. As a result of the study, it was found that in the PA wall of the fetuses and newborns, under the influence of experimental CIH, there is a significant density decrease of the smooth muscle cells placement in the field of view, which definitely affects the vessel elastic properties. The number of CD16 cells in the investigated vessel wall under the prolonged oxygen deficiency influence tends to increase, which may indicate the activation of the macrophage system for this pathological condition.
chronic intrauterine hypoxia, pulmonary artery, CD16 macrophages, smooth myocytes, experiment
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 332-335 pages, index UDK 616.131–091.8–02–001.8–092.9