About the author:
Korobeinikova Yu. L., Кнavalkina L. M., Dubina V. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Early diagnosis of periodontal complications is one of the factors, facilitating the promotion of the long-lasting positive outcomes of dental rehabilitation. Eventually, a range of complications develop regardless the successful treatment, which are difficult to detect clinically. Orthopantomography can be considered the most effective technique for the diagnosis of periodontal tissue diseases, since it provides with a complete view of the entire dentoalveolar system, enables simultaneous imaging of both dental arches and alveolar ridges, as well as defines the nature of the interdental contacts. Noteworthy, the structure of the osseous tissue, boundaries of the destructive foci and sites of osteoporosis are detected quite clearly. However, the degree of enlargement of the image on orthopantomograms in the central and lateral sections of the jaws is not the same. The equipment of different design shows distortion in the range from 7 to 32%, while, vertically, the investigated objects are enlarged less significantly than horizontally. The image of the investigated object demonstrates not only the enlargement but also deformation of the anatomical structures. The initial stages of alterations in the osseous tissue of the cortical plate prior to its complete destruction cannot be detected by the orthopantomogram, and lesions are seen mainly in the mesiodistal sections of the interdental alveolar septa. Currently, the most advanced and objective method of obtaining a panoramic image of the bone structure is the computed tomography. This method is based on the computer processing of the X-ray data and uneven absorption of tissues when passing through an X-rays scanning beam. The advantages of the computed tomography involve the densitometric examination of the investigated object, the obtaining of two- and three-dimensional images, as well as the possibility of studying the density of the osseous and connective tissues in the studied area (histogram analysis). Quantitative tomography allows estimating the density of spongy or cortical matter in isolation, while the surrounding tissues do not influence on the result of the study. The comparison of the CT data and orthopantomography showed that the panoramic image significantly objectifies the X-ray pattern in periodontal diseases by detecting the state of the vestibular and oral cortical plates in any part of the dentition. At the same time, the tomograms of the frontal and lateral parts demonstrated better detection of destruction zones in the cortical plates in the frontal and oblique views, respectively. This allows not only to evaluate the qualitative changes in the cortical plates, but also to analyze the depths and density of the interdental alveolar septa.
pariodontum, orthopantomography, CT diagnostics
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 358-362 pages, index UDK 616.311.2-071