About the author:
Nidzelsky M. Y., Tsvetkova N. V., Segedenko V. F.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the mechanism of formation of the psychophysiological response of the organism to orthopedic structures, the endocrine system plays the main role. The human endocrine system under stress changes its functional activity. The state of stress is a natural reaction of the body to the action of any stimul. Extreme factors that have an effect on the human body, causing nonspecific stress reactions, in their actions are aimed at stimulating the energy supply of adaptive processes. The state of stress is a natural reaction of the body to the action of any stimuli. Extreme factors that act on the human body, causing nonspecific stress reactions, are focused on stimulating the energy supply of adaptive processes. Considering all the above, actual search of ways of struggle against stress at orthopedic treatment of stomatologic patients is actual. The aim of the study was to improve the quality of treatment of dental patients by the method of studying the psychoemotional state of patients using orthopedic structures. Object and methods. To study the psychoemotional state of patients who were dentalized for medical reasons, their ability to concentrate according to the Münsterberg method was investigated [1934]. Determined the state of vegetative reactions of the body: AO, heart rate, palm acrohydrosis. The determination of the heart rate and blood pressure was carried out according to the generally accepted method. The study was conducted before and after fixing dental structures. Before the experiment, all patients were divided into three groups, depending on the type of behavior: “calm” – 8 people, “anxious” – 8 people, “troubled time” – 9 people. Manipulations associated with fitting the prosthesis did not cause significant changes in these indicators. Weak palmar hyperhidrosis was noted only in 10% of patients. Patients with “anxious” behavior were irritated with minor inconveniences. In the study of vegetative reactions before the use of prostheses, the indices were normal. Hyperhidrosis was registered in 2.4% of patients. The application of the prosthesis caused an increase in blood pressure by 15%, heart rate by 30%. The number of people with hyperhidrosis increased. When the third group was examined at the beginning of the treatment, it was noted that the indices did not differ significantly from those with a “calm” and “anxious” type of behavior. But the vegetative reactions of “restless” patients during the application and adaptation of the prosthesis were characterized by an increase in pressure by 25% compared to the basal level. Under these conditions, the heart rate increased by 38%. Significantly increased the number of persons with severe hyperhidrosis of the palms. These changes were maintained for 30 days. Results of the study. The received results testify to essential differences of ability of concentrators attention in patients with “quiet”, “anxious” and “restless” behavior. Conclusion. Fixation of dental structures has all the signs of a stressful situation: the irritant effect of the prosthesis on the tissues of the prosthetic bed, emotional tension, vegetative reactions.
orthopedic constructions, type of behavior, stress, response of the organism
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 362-365 pages, index UDK 616 – 092.19