About the author:
Smaglyuk L. V., Sheshukov D. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Studying the influence of human physical development on the general somatic status and the correlation between the physique and prevalence of illnesses affecting various organs and systems of the body is known to be paid special attention to; however, little has been known about the correlation between the parameters of physical development and the occurrence of dental pathologies, and orthodontic problems in particular. The purpose of the study was to determine and compare the state of bite and caries prevalence in adolescent of different somatotypes. The study involved 181 students (85 male and 96 female individuals) whose average age was 23.09 + 0.11 years. The normostenic type was found as the most prevalent type of their body structures and made up 54,69 + 3,7% (males constituted 43,53 + 5,4%, females constitutes 64,58 + 5,4%). 28.74 + 3.4% of the adolescents were described as those of asthenic type, among whom there were 24 male individuals (28.24 + 4.9%) and 28 female individuals (29.16 + 4.6%). Hypersthenic type of the body structure was fount out to be the least numerous in all the participants of the study, but especially in females (p <0.01). The analysis of the data obtained by inspecting the position of the individual teeth, dentition and bite revealed the presence of orthodontic problems in 168 people that made up 92.8%. We determined the dependence of the somatotype and the occlusion type on the sex factor. The study demonstrated that male and female adolescents with normosthenic and hypersthenic body structure were the most often diagnosed as having Angle class I malocclusion. The males with asthenic body structure the most often demonstrated Angle class I malocclusion, while females with the same body structure were the most often diagnosed as having Angle class II class malocclusion. Angle class III prevailed in the asthenic females (32.4%), and was somewhat seldom found in hypersthenic (25%) and asthenic (16.67%) males, and was much less frequent in hypersthenic females (6.45%). The average caries severity by DMFT index was 4.01 + 0.5 teeth per individual that corresponds to the subcompensated form of caries intensity. The DMFT index of the male adolescents was slightly lower and made up 3.87 + 0.4 teeth per individual, while in female adolescents – 4.13 + 0.4 teeth per individual (p> 0.05). The comparative analysis of caries intensity in individuals with different somatotypes has shown the highest severity was found out in the asthenic individuals (4.98 + 0.56), and namely in females (5.75 + 0.86) per individual. The hypersthenic individuals demonstrated somewhat lower caries severity, approximately 4.5 + 0.58 teeth per individual, no statistically significant differences between the groups of hypesthenic and asthenic individuals were found out. The caries severity index in the male individuals was significantly higher than that in the females (4.88 + 0.66 and 3.0 + 1.03, respectively). We suggest this may be due to the fact that female hypersthenic adolescents were less prevalent than male hypersthenic adolescents. The lowest DMFT indices were registered in the normosthenic individuals – 3.34 + 0.35 tooth per individual (DMFT index made up 3.5 + 0.46 teeth for females and 3.1 + 1.05 teeth for males). The oral hygiene status is the female adolescents were assessed as satisfactory. In general, there are no statistically significant differences in the oral hygiene indices and periodontal inflammation parameters among all the participants of the study. Good or satisfactory oral hygiene status found in almost all of the young people examined can be associated with the fact that all of them were dental students, and therefore were well-informed about the importance of thorough oral care. Significantly higher indices of caries severity in the group of hypersthenic and asthenic individuals accompanied by somewhat lower efficiency of oral hygiene indicate a pronounced cariogenic situation in these individuals. Conclusions. According to the results obtained we can assume that the oral status of patients depends on the physical parameters of the body structure. Determining the correlation between a patient’s somatotype and a dental pathology, which is more common in people of this somatotype may be of a particular prognostic value and has a significant value in the development of patient-centered dental prophylaxis programs. This approach will provide dental clinicians with important information on optimal aesthetic outcomes during orthodontic treatment and aesthetic restoration.
oral status, somatotype, malocclusion
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 365-369 pages, index UDK 616.31-021.4:616-056]-053.81-07