About the author:
Vovk Yu. V., Hlushko T. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of this article: analysis of special literature sources on the use of modern materials for optimization of correct intermaxillary position with fixed prosthetics of dentition defects in patients in prosthetic dentistry. The reproduction of harmonic intermaxillary relations is an important stage in prosthetic treatment since it is in charge of not only for patient comfort and stability of natural teeth but also for the functioning durability of established restoration on teeth and dental implants. When using registration materials, errors often occur at the laboratory stage of the prostheses design, which leads to fabrication of functionally inadequate restorations. To improve the clinical and laboratory reproduction of the prosthetic structures, it is important to get methodically efficient spatial relationship between the mandible and the maxilla with the help of registration materials. As of today, there is no adequate material for the registration of intermaxillary relations, therefore the issue of appropriate occlusal relation record becomes more relevant. In order to ensure a successful result of reproduction of the occlusal surfaces of the tooth ranges and to achieve the correct accuracy of the spatial intermaxillary relations, the accuracy of the spatial ratio of the upper and lower jaws should be made, with the registry being stable, identically reproducing the occlusal ratios in the oral cavity and on the working models set in the articulator and not altered during transportation. Most studies have shown significant difference among a variety of recording materials and techniques. In the review article, we have analyzed the methods of fixation of intermaxillary relations, as well as the positive and negative characteristics of modern registration materials that are mostly used in modern dental practice. Summarize our conducted review of modern materials and methods of registration of intermaxillary relations in the position of maximum intercuspation in patients, we can do next analytical conclusions: 1. In modern dental prosthetic practice the various clinical factors influence on the adequacy of registration of intermaxillary position. The results of the analysis of literary sources and our own scientific and practical researchs have shown that the main criterion in the selection of methods and material for intermaxillary positioning is the occlusal stability. 2. When replacing defects of hard tissues of teeth or produce single crowns on teeth or implants in patients with occlusive stability, the registration of the intermaxillary position should be carried out in the maximum intercuspation contact of teeth-antagonists. 3. For the reliable establishment of maximum intercuspation position in patients with partial loss of teeth, it is recommended to obtain a supporting occlusive pattern from a special acrylic plastic based on prepared teeth and soft tissues in the areas of adentia after tooth preparation. 4. In case of defects of hard tissues of separate teeth and the production of partial or complete crowns it is conduct determination of occlusive contacts of antagonist teeth, after the preparation of teeth, with the exception of the selected tooth surface (preferably distal), the re-substrate is obtained by polyvinylsiloxane (Futar D), compoundmass or special acrylic plastic, then the pre-preparation of the tooth and the re-substrate is specified in this area by the materials used. 5. In case of local defects of the crown part of the teeth, for produce of single crowns on the teeth and implants, the registration of maximum intercuspation is carried out by the clinical method of Shillingburg H. T. et al., 2008. 6. In case of distally limited defects of dentition caused by the loss of 1-2 teeth in the lateral and frontal parts of the jaws, the clinical method of Goldstein R. E., 2008 is used. 7. In case of common included and ended defects of the dentition on one or both jaws, a modified method of McCullock A. J., 2003 is used.
methods of recording of the сеntral occlusion, registration materials for intermaxillary fixation of the сеntral occlusion
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«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 13-21 pages, index UDK 616.314-089.29-631-02:616.314.2].002+615.46