About the author:
Shevchenko K. V., Yeroshenko G. A., Pronina O. M., Kramarenko D. R., Kudinov M. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The work presents the current views on morpho-functional characteristics of the salivary glands, according to the data of national and foreign literature. Both the oral vestibule and the oral cavity of the mouth open the ducts of large and small salivary glands. The secret of the salivary glands is saliva. The functions of saliva are diverse. It provides food moisturizing and disinfecting, creates conditions for its mechanical and chemical treatment, while performing the enzymatic function, the salivary glands start the processes of food digestion, helping the passage of the food in the esophagus. It is established that quantitative and qualitative changes in saliva largely determine the teeth immunity to caries. Saliva provides a dynamic equilibrium of the tooth enamel, and its composition stability, which is possible due to the ion exchange. The amount and composition of human saliva varies widely. They depend on many factors: time of the day, food consumed, age, the presence of diseases, as well as the state of the central and vegetative nervous system. The salivary glands, except the exocrine one, also perform an endocrine function, which consists in the separation of biologically active and hormone-like substances. All the salivary glands, both human and rats, according to the literature, are based on a single principle. According to the current histological classification, all salivary glands are complex branched, alveolar and alveolar-tubular glands consisting of acines, or secretory segments, and the excretory ducts system. The acines contain two types of cells: secretory and myoepithelial ones. They are divided into the alveolar and tubular forms. Depending on the composition of the glandular cells and the nature of the produced secretion, they are divided into protein or serous, muculent or mucous and mixed: seromucous. The system of excretory ducts consists of insertion ducts, cross-striated ducts, intraparticulate and interparticle ducts, and a common secretory duct. Large salivary glands are located outside the oral cavity, and are connected to it by means of a secretory ducts. Large salivary glands have the form of bulky organ formations. They are covered with a connective tissue capsule, from which the interlayers go inside the gland dividing it into parts. In each gland, parenchyma and stroma are distinguished. Three gland pairs refer to the large salivary glands: hyoid glands, submandibular glands, and parotid glands. Small salivary glands are a special group of particular secretory organs that perform the same functions as large salivary glands. Some of them are grouped in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity: labial, cheek and gum glands, while others are located in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity: molar and palate glands. Small salivary glands produce and secrete up to 30% of the total secretion volume that is produced in the oral cavity, and produce their secret in a state of rest, in contrast to the large salivary glands that are involved during the food ingestion, thus, contributing significantly to the salivation process, and preventing xerostomia and, accordingly, the dental pathology development. Consequently, they have a profound effect on the state of the homeostasis of the body as a whole and primarily on the oral cavity.
salivary glands, saliva, oral cavity, duct
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 50-58 pages, index UDK 616.316:611.316