Віlokur D. O., Lvov O. S., Shеiko V. I.


About the author:

Віlokur D. O., Lvov O. S., Shеiko V. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


We researched changes in the indices of the systemic immunity humoral level in persons from contaminated territories of the Sumy region. The purpose of our study is to establish the dynamics of indicators’ changes of the humoral part of systemic immunity of individuals from contaminated territories of the Sumy region. Methods and materials. The examined were divided into two groups: residents of radiation free areas (control group, 80 persons) and the inhabitants of the areas of enhanced radiation monitoring (experimental group, 80 persons). Indicators of cellular immunity were determined by immunophenotyping and dyeing on Romanowsky–Giemsa. The level of immunoglobulins in blood plasma was determined by radial immunodiffusion on Mancini. Results and their discussion. The relative number of lymphocytes is within the clinical norm and in 2016 is close to the values of the control group. In 2017, this indicator shows a tendency to increase according to the values of both the control group and the experimental in 2016 (by 27,3 % and 22,5 %). Indicators of the total number of lymphocytes in the control and experimental group are within the clinical norm. At the same time, in 2017 in the research group there is a tendency to increase this indicator according to the values of both the control group and the experimental in 2016 (by 11,3 % and 21,9 %). We established that the inhabitants of the territory of the intensified radioecological control of the Sumy region in 2017 observed: a tendency to increase the concentration of Ig G relative to the similar values of 2016; a decrease in the concentration of Ig M relative to the control values and indices of the study group in 2016 (1,74 times and 4,39 times respectively); decrease in the concentration of Ig A in the study group during the above period in 1,5 times. Volunteers from the IV radiation zone of the Sumy region have a significant decrease in the leuko-B cell index by 27,8 %. Conclusions. Thus, by investigating the indicators’ dynamic of humoral immunity of individuals in the contaminated territories of the Sumy region (density of soils contamination by isotopes of cesium-137 from 1 to 5 Ki/km2), results have been obtained indicating the functional load of this link (due to the tendency to increase absolute number of B-lymphocytes (CD22)). At the same time, there is a certain dynamics of the absolute and relative number of major classes of immune cells, as well as changes in the levels of serum immunoglobulins of classes A and M (may indicate the presence of compensatory mechanisms in response to chronic irradiation). Prospects for further research. The obtained results point to the necessity of studying the compensatory mechanisms of the immune system and their potential in providing an effective integrative activity of the human body. At the same time, they indicate the need for immunological surveys for the population in the territories of the intensified radio ecological control of our state (and in particular, in Sumy region) with the aim of developing and applying immunorehabilitation measures for this category of population.


immune system, humoral part, low intensity prolonged radiation, territory of the intensified radio ecological control


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 59-62 pages, index UDK 612.017.1