About the author:
Kozihkurt O. V., Talalayev K. O., Golubyatnikov M. I., Lebedyuk M. M., Savchuk A. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of the work: to study the peculiarities of the course of the epidemic process of a number of socially dangerous diseases among the population of two southern regions of Ukraine in the context of reforming the health care system. The object and methods of research. The object of the study is the epidemic process of socially-dangerous diseases: gonorrhea, syphilis, rotavirus infection. The study used the following methods: retrospective epidemiological analysis of the relevant forms of sectoral statistical reporting in Odesa and Mykolaiv regions for the period from 2010 to 2017 (reporting forms: 1, 2); statistical (using software packages Microsoft Excel 2010 and computer program STATISTICA – 5); analytical. Results. Among population of Odessa region the incidence of gonorrhea is significantly fluctuating: from 13,07 (2016) to 39,41 (2010) and, on average, was 21,39±3,20; among population of Mykolaiv region – from 17,88 (in 2010) to 10,91 (2017) and, on average, was 14,07±0,76. The level of incidence of gonorrhea among children under the age of 17 who live in Odessa region ranged from 0 (2017) to 7,20 per 100 thousand population (2010), an average of 2,90 ± 0,92. Among children of Mykolaiv region the dynamics of disease were quite uniform, the average multi-year indicator was not significantly different in Odessa – 1,38±0,25 (t = 1,81; p = 0,11). The incidence of syphilis among population of Odessa region varied from 10,93 in 2017 to 51,93 in 2010 and averaged 23,35±4,80, which is more than likely the indicators among the population of the Mykolayiv region, which were registered in range from 4,42 (2017) to 19,38 (2010), on average – 12,40 ± 2,19 (t = 3,50; p = 0, 01). The incidence rate of syphilis among children of Odessa region varied from 0,44 (2016) to 9,36 (2010) and averaged 4,51 ± 1,31; in Mykolayiv region the lowest level was observed in 2016 – 0,94, the highest – in 2014 – 3,38 per 100 thousand population, amounting to an average of 2,16 ± 0,35. There is no probable difference in the incidence of syphilis among children who live in two neighboring regions (t = 2,23; p = 0,061). The level of registered childhood prevalence in both areas of rotavirus infection is significantly higher than that among adults. Thus, among children under the age of 17 who live in the territory of the Odessa region, the average long standing level was 198,79 ± 19,47, whereas among the adult – 34,91 ± 2,72 (t = 9,87; p <0.0001); the same pattern is determined among children of Mykolayiv region: respectively 209,59 ± 55,67 and 38,07 ± 10,08 per 100 thousand population (t = 4,02; p = 0,0051). However, the adult population of both regions did not get a probable difference in the incidence of rotavirus infection (t = 0,34; p = 0,75); among children – the level of morbidity also had relatively similar rates (t = 0,26; p = 0,81). Conclusions 1. During the studied period, the epidemic process of gonorrhea in the territory of the Odessa region was characterized by a clear recession, in the territory of Mykolaiv – a gradual decline. 2. The course of the epidemic process of syphilis in the territories of both Odessa and Mykolaiv regions among the children and the general population tended to a gradual decline. 3. There is a high level of registration of rotavirus infection among the children in the territory of both southern regions of Ukraine, which is associated with a predominantly outbreak of the epidemic process in organized children’s groups, low in adult life, due to the low level of attentiveness and adult population survey, sick. 4. Effective oversight of the epidemic process of this group of diseases at the current stage of reforming the health care system is hampered by the absence of normative legal documents in the country that would ensure the appropriate procedure for mandatory study of patients of all age groups and on bacterial and viral pathogens and the possibility of introducing changes to the national vaccination calendar for immunization with rotavirus infection.
epidemic process, socially dangerous diseases
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 62-67 pages, index UDK 616.9-036.22-058(477.74)