About the author:
Pohodenko-Chudakova I. O., Surin A. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Sinusitis of the maxillary sinus is one of the main issues for maxillofacial surgeons, dental surgeons and otorhinolaryngologists which is due to 3 times increased incidence last decades. The purpose is to determine the direction of changes of biochemical indices of blood serum using dynamic electroneurostimulation (DENS) for the treatment of chronic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus in an experiment. Object and methods. The study included 22 Male chinchilla rabbits of the same age and body weight with a model of chronic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus. All animals were carried out the treatment of electroreflexotherapy. We studied the level of total protein, albumin content, calcium ion content (Ca2+), phosphorus ion content (P), alkaline phosphatase activity level (alkaline phosphatase) during examination. These indics were studied in dynamics of treatment 11 times: the 1st study was carried out before treatment and then after each DENS procedure is finished The data obtained in the research were processed on a personal computer using the software package “Statistiсa 10.0”. Results. These dynamics of biochemical indices practically did not go beyond the normal values demonstrating significance for the experimental animal and the course of the pathological process of chronic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus. This fact, on the one hand, confirms the information of the basic guidelines of normal physiology and pathophysiology on the stability of the main liquid medium of the blood and its serum and on the other hand, is a confirmation of the opinion that acupuncture has a harmonizing effect corresponding to the level of vital indicators of the body to optimal values. The obtained data are corresponds with the results of morphological studies and clinical observations. The positive dynamics of mineral metabolism indicators (level of activity alkaline phosphatase, level of Ca2+ ions content and level of P ions content) indicates the provision of the most favourable conditions for the course of bone remodeling processes which indirectly indicates the absence of destructive processes from the bone walls of the maxillary sinus. Conclusion. Taking into account the absence of other therapeutic effects during the experimental studies, the achieved positive result of the dynamics of the studied biochemical parameters of the blood serum of the observed animals can be fully attributed to the acupuncture effects of DENS.
chronic sinusitis, maxillary sinus, biochemical parameters, blood serum, electroneurostimulation
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 158-162 pages, index UDK 616. 216. 1 ˗ 002 ˗ 089 ˗ 074