Basiuha I.


About the author:

Basiuha I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The integrated approach and the search for effective mechanisms for its implementation are important direction in the organization of learning. Currently, the accumulation of knowledge and skills by students as well as the formation of the ability to study, mastering the skills of search of information, the ability to master the knowledge complex, the need for self-education are the priority in modern education. The purpose of this work is to make the precondition for successful education by the teaching of the subject «Obstetrics and gynecology», improvement of studying discipline and systematization of knowledge during the training of a specialist. An obligatory element of the study is the application of interdisciplinary integration in the pedagogical process. However, effective teaching of our discipline is impossible without the proper knowledge of previous, basic disciplines including anatomy, biology, histology, normal physiology, topographical anatomy. One of the stages in practical teaching of students of the discipline «Obstetrics and Gynecology» is to work with a patient in the ward, the maternity hall, the manipulative office and the operation unit. One student has a task for active work with the patient, then he makes the report based on the taking anamnesis, puts a previous diagnosis, prescribes additional methods of examinations, and determines the management of treatment. Other students have the task to put questions and analyze the clinical situation of this patient. Creating problematic situations allows to increase the efficiency of such type of study. The main attention is paid to the development of knowledge and practical skills of students using various methodological approaches. Practical work in the departments of obstetrics and gynecology allows to master the principles of diagnosis and management of various pathologies. Also it requires from the teacher high pedagogical and professional skills, a constant changes of approaches that would stimulate and create motivation of students, that allow to form an algorithm of activity and prognosis for a possible solution by intellectual search.


practical skills, learning process, interdisciplinary integration


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 218-220 pages, index UDK 378.147+614.254.3