About the author:
Seredyuk V. N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In modern medicine the internal medicine (therapy), as in past, is the fundamental integrated discipline which generalizes of internal organs diseases’ clinical problems and pays attention into general changes in human body. All teaching methods could be provisory divided for 3 groups: active, passive and interactive. The interactive methods consist of problem-based learning (PBL), team-based learning (TBL) and clinical case-based learning (CBL). Case-Based Clinical Reasoning (CBCR) is one of important of professional skills in doctor’s work. The acquisition of this skill is long process which requires a comprehensive approach. The clinician often has to be careful, carefully reproduce, and apply for written sources and thoughts of colleagues. While problem-based learning as a method for gaining new knowledge, CBCR is focused on the use of systematically acquired knowledge in selected clinical cases. Pulmonary hypertension is a multifactorial disease with progressive course. Despite of progress in its management pulmonary hypertension’ death is high, and there are not ways for its complete prevention. The purpose of this study was analysis of efficacy of the elective course “Clinical intellection development in internal medicine” presentation by Case-Based Clinical Reasoning method with clinical presentation of patient with preliminary pulmonary hypertension. The characteristic of the elective course “Clinical intellection development in internal medicine” is wide using of modern interactive computers’ technologies and methods of visualization. It was demonstrated that development of students clinical intellection by Case-Based Clinical Reasoning method is high effective method of modern medical education which caused of theoretical knowledge and practical skills growth. The practical classes “Clinical intellection development in internal medicine” with Case-Based Clinical Reasoning method usage are modern and creative technology of clinical thinking development in medical students and integrated part of educational process. Teaching of its course by Case-Based Clinical Reasoning method caused of formation of the clinical intellection of students based not only on traditional knowledge or skills, but on modern computed and visualization methods using. Practical classes based on Case-Based Clinical Reasoning method and skill-oriented learning caused of students’ knowledge growth, approaching to world standards and make them more competitive.
internal medicine, clinical thinking, CBCR model, interactive computer technologies
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 226-229 pages, index UDK 371.315+378.147+614.253.4