About the author:
Hrytsuliak B. V., Hrytsuliak V. B., Dolynko N. P., Polyvkan M. I., Halo O. Ye.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Using methods of ultrasound scanning, color ultrasound angiography, histology, morphometry and statistics, the features of hemodynamics and structural and functional state of the prostate of men aged 22-35 years after plastic surgery of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal with oblique inguinal hernia were investigated. Ultrasound scanning of the prostate was performed for 16 men aged 22-35 years after hernioplasty. 7 practically healthy men of different age served as control group. The following morphological parameters of the prostate were determined: length, width, thickness (in mm), volume (in cm3) and mass (in g). In the mode of color Doppler mapping, the character of vascular pattern, the course of vessels, their diameter, the number of vessels in symmetrical areas of the prostate were evaluated. We have also studied tissue 10 of biopsy specimens of the prostate gland of men of mature age after plasty of the inguinal canal. It was found that 5-8 years after surgery, the prostate volume is (31.6±1.5) cm3, and its mass- (37.3±2.0) g, against (26.5±1.0) cm3 and (27.8±1.6) h before surgery. The relative area of the glandular component decreases to 52.04% and the area of the fibrous-muscular-elastic stroma increased to 47.96%, against 56.02% and 43.98% with oblique inguinal hernia. The comparison of ecometrica parameters of the prostate shows that after the plastic of the inguinal canal its width increases to (46,7±1,9) mm vs (40,0±1,8) mm in those who have hernia (p<0.05), thickness – up to (28,0±1,7) mm vs (25,6±1,6) mm (p<0.05) and the length (28,0±1,8) mm vs (26,5±1,4) mm (p<0.05). The echo structure of the prostate gland is heterogeneous, small zones of reduced and increased echogenicity alternate. The capsule is thickened. Under these conditions, hemodynamic parameters in the prostate gland significantly reduced – peak rate of arterial and K (2.62±0.36) cm/s – venous blood flow reduced to (5.51±0.58) cm/s. Prospects for further research are that the results of research can be used as a data bank necessary for the correction of structural and functional changes in the prostate gland.
prostate, hemodynamic parameters
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 279-281 pages, index UDK 591.463 : 616.65-002+611.631