About the author:
Kazakova K. S., Yeroshenko G. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Currently, alcohol remains one of the most commonly occurring toxic factors in everyday life. Ethanol in its pharmacological properties refers to narcotic substances. Its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is quite fast – in 15 minutes. Known data on the toxic effects of ethanol on the internal mucous membranes of organs, and the links of the hemomycocirculatory bed The purpose of the work was to determine the dynamics of the expression of carbohydrate determinants of the structural components of the mucosa of the attached gum portion of rats for β-galactosospecific peanut lectin in chronic intoxication with ethanol. The study involved 15 white non-breeding male rats. The control group consisted of 5 animals, experimental – 10 animals, which were injected premugly 4 times a day with 12 mg / kg 40% ethanol (in terms of pure alcohol). Animals were extracted from the experiment at 5 and 12 days by overdose of thiopental anesthesia. In order to determine the carbohydrate components of the structural elements of the mucous membrane of the attached gingiva, we used the method of lectinohistochemistry. The remnants of galactose carbohydrates were detected by lectin (PNA). Samples were treated with standard sets of the Lectinost laboratory at 1:50 dilution of lectin. Visualization of the reaction with lectin conjugates was performed using the semi-quantitative method. The probe of the mucous membrane of the attached gland of the rats with β-galactosospecific peanut lectin (PNA) found that in the control group rats a strong degree of expression of carbohydrate determinants was found for the self-plate collagen fibers, elastic membranes of arterioles and mast cells. At the stage of formation of alcoholic motivation (5 days of experiment), there was a violation of the differentiation of the epithelium, which was manifested by a decrease in the intensity of labeling of horny scales from moderate to weak and histologically manifested by pareceratose events. The reaction from collagen fibers was suppressed and the affinity for β-galactose on mastocyte receptors increased, which was morphologically manifested by the accumulation of secretory granules. In chronic intoxication with ethanol and formation of physical dependence (12 days), inhibition of expression of receptors on collagen fibers of the own plate and elastic membranes of arterioles is determined. Negative was the response from mastocyte receptors, which reflected the exclusion of cells from the process of regulating the permeability of the connective tissue and vascular wall during this observation period.
mucous membrane of the oral cavity, attachment part of gums, rats, chronic intoxication with ethanol.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 294-297 pages, index UDK 616.311+ 616.316:612