Nefodova O. O., Bilishko D. V.


About the author:

Nefodova O. O., Bilishko D. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Among the most dangerous technogenic environmental pollutants, heavy metals, primarily lead, cadmium, and mercury occupy a priority position in the environment. Therefore, special interest in modern medical science is the study of the functional capabilities of protective systems that prevent the introduction of xenobiotics into the body or contribute to their deactivation. Cadmium compounds today are a part of heavy metals that are in biological systems and form the ecological crisis of the planet, the actual task is to determine the morphological changes that occur in the body under the action of cadmium compounds. All of the above suggests the need to study the morphogenetic changes occurring in the embryogenesis of the embryos of the rat and in the early stages after birth, with the influence of cadmium compounds. The aim of the experimental study was the study of the effects of low doses of cadmium chloride isolated and in combination with selenium citrate on the overall course of embryogenesis in rats. Object and methods of research. To simulate the effects and toxic effects of exposure to cadmium, throughout the pregnancy, Wistar’s female rats daily injected by cadmium chloride through a probe or in combination with selenium citrate in doses close to those that can enter the body from the environment (1,0 mg/kg) and a solution of selenium citrate (0,1 mg/kg), provided a complete diet, drinking water and careful care; the introduction of solutions of metals was carried out from the first day of pregnancy at the same time of day from the first day of pregnancy until 19th day. For embryonal study, females with a dated pregnancy were given. The first day of pregnancy was established on the basis of the detection of sperm in a vaginal smear. On the 13th and 20th day of pregnancy, an operative slaughter was performed. The rats were taken from the uterus, checked for live and dead, weighed, photographed and fixed in 10% formalin solution for further histological examination. The possible negative effect of the test substance on embryonic development was judged by the ability to increase the level of embryonic mortality (embryo-lethal effect) and cause external and structural defects in the development of internal organs and bone system (teratogenic effect); the overall development of embryos was evaluated by the number of embryos, the number of yellow fetuses in the ovaries of females, the body mass of the embryo, and its compliance with the developmental stage according to generally accepted criteria for embryonic development of rats. The calculation of the results of the experiment showed the embryotoxic effect of low doses of cadmium chloride on the rat embryo. In the group of isolated effects of cadmium chloride, there was a decrease in the number of embryos and yellow fetuses in the fetal ovaries on both terms of pregnancy and an increase in total embryonic mortality. With the combined administration of cadmium chloride and selenium citrate, despite the presence of embryotoxic manifestations in isolated administration of cadmium chloride, an improvement in the rates of embryonic development is observed, which is manifested by an increase in the number of yellow fetuses, live fetuses per 1 female and a decrease in the rates of total embryonic mortality. No teratogenic effect was found in any of the studied group.


cadmium chloride, selenium citrate, embryogenesis, embryotoxicity


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 301-305 pages, index UDK 616.36-008:546.48:591.3