About the author:
Tryasak N. S., Silkina Yu. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Morphometric methods are the most objective methods of studying the stage in the development of the atherosclerotic process, which allow estimating changes in the quantitative parameters of vessels. So, the purpose of the work was morphometric study and analysis structural changes in the coronary arteries wall in conditions of experimental atherosclerosis. The research was conducted at 120 nonlinear rats of both sexes weighing 180-210 g average. Animals were divided into 2 groups: I – control group (n = 40), who were administered incomplete Freund’s adjuvant and II – the experimental group (n = 80), that were immunized human native low density lipoprotein (nLDL). The method of modeling atherosclerotic lesions is that the rats were injected with human native human LDLs (ProSpec, USA) at a dose of 200 μg intracutaneously with addition of 0.1 ml of Freund’s incomplete adjuvant (Becton Dickinson, USA). Morphometric research subject coronary arteries medium (external diameter – 51-125 μm) and small caliber (external diameter – 26-50 μm). It was investigated the height of endothelial cells, internal and external diameters, wall thickness and the Vogenvort index, which is calculated by the ratio of the area of the vessel wall to the area of the lumen. It was established that the administration of human nLPNC into experimental animals was accompanied by a reaction from the coronary vessels, which had a staged course and was different in vessels of medium and small caliber. Morphological changes in the wall of the coronary arteries had signs characteristic of atherosclerotic lesions. Structural reconstruction of coronary arteries was characterized by thickening of the walls of the vessels due to the narrowing of their lumen with a constant index of external diameter. It was manifested in a significant increase in the Vogenvort index: increase of 1,69 times in the coronary arteries of the middle caliber and 2,33 in small caliber vessels (p<0,05), and indicated the functional insufficiency of the arteries to provide sufficient blood supply to the heart muscle. The wall of the coronary arteries of the small caliber was subject to an earlier and progressive remodeling. The wall thickness increased by 24,04 % in arteries of medium caliber and by 41,81 % in arteries of small caliber (p<0,05).
coronary arteries, atherosclerosis, morphometry, rats
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 325-329 pages, index UDK 616.13.2:577.125:612.08