About the author:
Khmara Т. V., Zamorskii I. I., Boichuk O. M., Bambuliak A. V., Goncharenko V. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The rapid development of perinatal urology requires morphologists to study thoroughly the patterns of structure and the formation of topographical and anatomical relationships and urethral blood supply in human fetuses of different ages. The objective of the study. To determine topographic and anatomical peculiarities of urethral blood supply in 6-monthold human fetuses of both sexes. Object and methods. The research was conducted on the urinary organs specimens of 12 male and 8 female fetuses of 186.0-230.0 mm of crown-rump length (CRL) by means of a complex of adequate morphological methods of investigation: macroscopy, conventional and fine preparation under control of binocular magnifying glass, vessel injection, 3D reconstructive models and morphometry. Results and discussion. In 6-month-old human male fetuses the urethra is shaped like a narrow tubule, which arises from the anterior-inferior part of the bladder as an internal urethral orifice and blindly ends in the sponge-like body of the penis. The total length of the male urethra at this stage of development is 29.6±1.6 mm, including: the prostate – 5.7±0.4 mm, the intermediate part – 3.2±0.2 mm and the spongy part – 21.4±1.6 mm. In the male fetuses, the bladder-urethral segment is represented by a triangle and a cervix of the bladder, an internal urethral orifice, a prostate part of the urethra and its internal muscle- sphincter. The bladder-urethral transition is determined at the level of the middle third of the pubic symphysis. The prostate gland, seminal vesicles and the anterior wall of the rectum adjoin the posterior wall of the bladder-urethral segment. Blood supply of male urethra and bladder-urethral segment is provided by the branches of the inferior bladder and urethral arteries, arteries of the penile bulb from the internal pudendal artery. In female fetuses, urethra, 12.12±0.5 mm in length, has a cylindrical shape. The bladder-urethral segment is represented by a triangle and a cervix of the bladder and an internal muscle-sphincter of the urethra. Skeletotopically, the bladder-urethral segment is usually determined at the level of the upper third of the pubic symphysis. Blood supply of female urethra and bladder-urethral segment is provided by the branches of the right and left internal iliac arteries, namely: lower bladder, middle rectal arteries, urethral arteries (from internal pudendal arteries) and vaginal artery. Conclusions 1. Blood supply of the urethra and bladder-urethral segment in 6-month-old female human fetuses is provided by the branches of the lower bladder, middle rectal, urethral and vaginal arteries, and in the male fetuses – by the branches of the inferior bladder and urethral arteries, arteries of the penile bulb. 2. In the studied human fetuses, processes of forming, topography development and blood supply of the urethra occur in close connection with the development and formation of adjacent organs and structures, depending on sex.
urethra, blood supply, topography, fetus, human
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 329-332 pages, index UDK 611.621:612.463]-055-053.15