About the author:
Han I., Zubachyk V., Porokhovska N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of our research was to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of patients with chronic granulating periodontitis with the acquired wide tooth root apex using elaborated composition and to compare with the results of applying commonly used material MTA. We have observed 89 people aged 20 to 59 years old with chronic granulating periodontitis. All teeth were single-rooted with the acquired wide crown from 40 to 80 according to ISO. The patients were divided into two groups: the experimental group included 61 people, and the group for comparison – 28 people. Due to the technique of root canal filling, the main group was divided into two subgroups: for the patients in the first experimental subgroup there was performed a filling of the apical area of the root with our suggested composition containing calcium hydroxyapatite, a remedy for the revitalization and bioreparation of periapical tissues, polyvinylpyrrolidone 40%, and barium sulfate (patent № 95974) by creating an apical seal (patent № 95967); for the patients in the second experimental subgroup there was performed a filling of the apical area of the tooth root canal with additional withdrawal of the composition through the canal into the periapical zone. The condition of the periapical tissues was assessed on the basis of complaints, anamnesis, objective data, as well as an additional method of examination – X-ray. Patients were given intraoral X-ray of the teeth during the primary examination, after endodontic treatment and at the phases of clinical supervision at the control periods: 6, 12 and 18 months. In addition to this, we evaluated the quality of the obturation of root canals and diagnosed the size of destruction of the beyond-apical changes using the periapical index of destruction of apical periodontitis (SDVP) in marks used by E.O. Scappareva, 2003. The general results of the study provide us with an opportunity to state that the composition based on calcium hydroxyapatite promotes the acceleration of regenerative processes in the periapical zone and the reduce of the recovery time of patients. Furthermore, survey results make it possible to consider that the use of the proposed composition containing hydroxyapatite calcium, a remedy for revitalization and bioreparation of periapical tissues, polyvinylpyrrolidone 40% and barium sulfate for the treatment of patients with chronic granulating periodontitis stimulates more effectively the regeneration in the periapical area than the commonly used drug MTA. During transcanal removal of the filling composition into the periapical space we observed the acceleration of the periods of revitalization, bioreparation and regeneration of periodontal tissues compared to the creation of an apical seal within the physiological tooth root apex.
chronic periodontitis, wide tooth root apex, regeneration
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 364-367 pages, index UDK 616.314.18-002.191-036.12-06:616.314.165-007.63]-08-036.8