About the author:
Liashenko A. S., Udod O. A., Roman O. B.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The modern approaches to the treatment of dental caries and its complications are based on the innovative restoration technologies including the latest dental materials. However, for some reason it is rather difficult to maintain the modern level of treatment in healthcare institutions of state or municipal forms of ownership. In this regard, the analysis of the indicators characterizing the teeth restorations concerning the various filling materials application in conditions of district and municipal healthcare institutions is considered to be important. The aim of the study is to analyze the filling materials application for the restorations of teeth affected by caries and its complications in district and municipal healthcare institutions of the Kirovohrad region over 2013 and 2017 years. Object and methods. The retrospective analysis of reports of the dental centers and dental units in the multifaceted healthcare institutions of 21 districts and 2 cities of regional subordination in the Kirovohrad region over 2013 and 2017 years was carried out. Results and discussions. The general number of permanent and temporary teeth affected by caries and its complications which was filled within the region during 2013 year amounted to 583063 cases, including 328199 cases in the district healthcare institutions, which was 56.3% of the total number and 254864 cases in municipal healthcare institutions, which corresponded to 43.7%. The most commonly used materials were the chemical hardening composites − 277 607 cases (47.6% of the total number of fillings in patients treated at the regional healthcare institutions), cements − 208414 (35.7%) and photocomposites − 96728 fillings (16.6% ), which was almost 3 times less than the number of the chemical composites fillings, and 2 times less than cement fillings. In 2017, the general number of filled teeth within the region decreased to 534140 cases, that is, by 8.4%, including 285426 cases (53.4% of the total) in district healthcare institutions, and 248714 cases (46.6%) in municipal healthcare institutions. The number of fillings with chemical composites decreased to 224078 (42.0% of the total number of cases), that is, by 19.3%. In 2017, the cement materials were used in 189712 cases (35.5% of the total number of fillings), which was 9.0% less than in 2013, but the share of the cement fillings in the overall structure of the applied filling materials reminded unchanged. The number of fillings with chemically curing composites and cements decreased, but the photocomposite fillings became significantly (by 24.4%) more often used, namely, 120 349 photocomposite fillings (22.5% of the total number of cases) have been inserted in the regional healthcare centers, which indicated the positive changes and certain achievements in the modern approaches implementations to the treatment of dental caries and its complications. Conclusions. The chemical curing composites were determined as the most commonly used filling materials for restoration of teeth affected by caries and its complications in the district and municipal healthcare institutions of Kirovohrad region; the use of cement materials ranked the second place. The share of photocomposites increased almost by 6% in 2017 compared to 2013, which indicated the wider implementation of the modern restoration technologies and further development of dental care in the Kirovohrad region. The prospects for further research include the more detailed and objective analysis of the various groups of filling materials application for dental restoration with classification according to diseases, years and district and municipal healthcare institutions.
teeth, caries, restoration, filling materials, healthcare institutions, Kirovohrad region
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 374-378 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-089.27(477.65)