Pyasetska L. V., Luchynskiy M. A., Vadzyuk S. N.


About the author:

Pyasetska L. V., Luchynskiy M. A., Vadzyuk S. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The role of psychological characteristics of the personality in the emergence and development of dental diseases has been substantiated by a number of studies of domestic and foreign scientists, in which features of the emotional and personal sphere of patients with different resistance to diseases of hard tissues of teeth and periodontium were considered. At the same time, psychophysiological symptoms in individuals with different intensity of dental caries remain insufficiently studied. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the level of salivary enzymes (α-amylase alkaline and acid phosphatase) activities in the oral fluid of persons with periodontal diseases, depending on the psychophysiological state of the organism. The study involved 130 young people (age 18-44 years) with different clinical variants of psychophysical disadaptation. Psychophysiological examination of patients was performed jointly with certified specialists, which allowed to distinguish between four main variants of psychophysiological conditions that were presented in the surveyed. In particular, the reactions of psychophysiological disadaptation (RPD); somatogenic asthenic symptom complex (SASC); acute neurotic disorders (AND) and neurotic disorders with prolonged course (NDPC). Biochemical studies were conducted to evaluate the salivary enzymes in oral fluid. The examination of the oral cavity was carried out in accordance with WHO recommendations, using traditional dental procedures and diagnostic techniques. After conducted clinical examination two experimental groups were formed: I group – 70 patients with the inflammatory diseases of marginal periodontium; II group – 60 patients with inflammatory-dystrophic ones. It was found that in patients from the I group, without the reactions of psychophysiological disadaptation, the lowest activity of amylase in the oral liquid was observed – 8,75 ± 2,31 μc/l. In I group maximal activity of alkaline phosphatase in the oral liquid was determined for persons without the reactions of psychophysiological disadaptation – 1,30±0,08 nc/l. For patients with RPD and SАSC was determined insignificant reduction of activity of the analysed enzyme in the oral liquid: on 1,54% and on 7,69% accordingly, (р>0,05) concerning data for persons without RPD. In patients of I group, in the presence of AND and NDPC, a significant increase in the activity of acid phosphatase in the oral liquid was observed: 30.83% (p <0.05) and 41.11%, (p <0.01), respectively. Due to the evaluating of salivary enzyme levels in oral liquid, it was established that persons with inflammatory lesions of periodontal tissues (I group) had amylase activity 21.27% lower than in patients with inflammatory-dystrophic periodontal diseases (II group). At the same time, the activity of alkaline phosphatase in patients from I group was 15.13% higher than in patients of the II group of the study, but in II group, the average value of activity of acid phosphatase was 25.57% higher than in I group. The performed biochemical studies proved in patients with inflammatory-dystrophic periodontal diseases, the inflammatory processes are more pronounced in the periodontal tissues than in those with inflammatory lesions of periodontal tissues, as indicated by the high content of amylase in the oral liquid and the imbalance of bone remodeling processes. It is planned to draw on undertaken results for development and introduction of the medical and preventive program for this category of patients.


periodontium, biochemistry, psychophysiology, bone tissue, alpha-amylase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 378-381 pages, index UDK 616.314.17-008.1:612.313.1.015.1