About the author:
Rizaev J. A., Asadullaev N. S., Abduvakilov J. U.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of this study was to identify changes in the physico-chemical composition of the oral fluid in elderly and senile individuals, and to study the effect of oral fluid on the general condition of the oral cavity. In accordance with the recommendations of the WHO, groups aged 45-60 years, 61-74 years, 75-89 years old, and longlivers 90 years and older have been established. The rate of salivation, salinity, pH, buffer capacity for acid and alkali, the content of calcium and phosphorus ions were studied. The obtained data were compared with the indices of the index group aged 35-44. It was found that with increasing age, the rate of salivation decreased by a factor of 2.5 in 90-yearolds compared with the index group, and the viscosity of oral fluid increased by a factor of 2. The buffer capacity, both in acid and in alkali, decreased with age, and the pH shifted to the acid side, which leads to demineralization of the enamel and an increase in the pathology of the hard tissues of the teeth. When hyposalization mixed saliva loses its antimicrobial, buffer, remineralizing and purifying functions. The main liquid in the oral cavity, which realizes ion-exchange reactions between different zones, tissues and organs, is mixed saliva (oral fluid), the change in the properties of which largely determines the cariogenic situation. It is important to conduct research that allows us to assess the functional state of the major physiological systems of the oral cavity with an increase in the age of the examined, and recommend corrective measures that help the full or partial restoration of lost functions. Despite the large number of studies devoted to studies of the composition of mixed saliva in elderly and elderly people, many questions remain open to this day. The parameters of saliva properties given in the literature vary considerably among subjects under similar conditions. Based on the data obtained, there is a need for an individual approach to the treatment of dental diseases, to provide items and facilities for improving oral hygiene and the means that affect the improvement of salivary gland activity (rate of excretion, decrease of saliva viscosity, normalization of salivation), and an increase in the salivary mineralization potential to create conditions for the correct mineralization of hard tooth tissues, which, ultimately, will help to reduce the growth and development of dental caries in humans her elderly and senile age.
elderly, senile age, salivation, oral fluid characteristics
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 382-385 pages, index UDK 616.31-003.231-008.81/9]-053.89/.9