About the author:
Udod O. A., Bekuzarova Kh. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The modern technologies for teeth and dentition integrity restoration require the use of the up-dated equipment and modern restoration materials for light curing, which completely provide the anatomic, functional and aesthetic reproduction of the natural teeth characteristics. These materials are widely used for direct restoration in the private dental clinics. But the risk of complications in case of long-term functioning is still high. The aim of the study was to analyze the state of direct photocomposite teeth restorations and the structure of their lesions in patients of the private dental clinic. Object and methods. The study involved 236 patients aged 23−57 years who presented with 1974 restored frontal and lateral teeth. The examined group included 104 men (44.1%) and 132 women (55.9%). The research was carried out in the private dental clinic. The clinical assessment of direct photocomposite restorations state was conducted according to Ryge criteria, namely, “marginal fit”, “marginal staining”, “sensitivity”, “secondary caries”, “color matching”, “surface roughness” and “anatomical shape”. The absence or presence of the lesions was recorded and evaluated as “acceptable” or “unacceptable” for each criterion. Results and discussion. Considering the data obtained, it was determined 1946 direct teeth restorations with photocomposite materials (98.6% of the total restoration number), 14 (0.7%) with amalgam, 9 (0.5%) with chemical curing composites, 5 restorations (0.3%) made of cement materials. Most of the photocomposite restorations were conducted on the contact surfaces of molars and premolars (in case of II class carious cavities by Black classification), which amounted to 887 (45.6% of all restorations with photocomposite materials). The number of teeth restorations with III and IV class carious lesions by Black classification was observed twice less often and accounted for 453 (29.3%). The study has determined 342 restorations (17.6%) of I class cavities and 264 (13.6%) restorations of V class cavities by Black classification. The restorations without lesions and those that did not require replacement, that is, in normal state, were 818 cases (42.0% of the total number of the photocomposite restorations). The restorations with various abnormalities amounted to 1128 (58.0%). The most frequent abnormalities included the presence of the marginal staining on the line between the material and enamel − 257 (22.8% of the total number of restorations with complications). The marginal fit disorders concerning material and enamel were identified in 224 (19.9%) cases and with the secondary caries – in 217 (19.3%) cases. The surface roughness was detected in 203 restorations (18.0%), discrepancy of restoration by color – in 136 cases (12.1%), disorders in anatomical shape and integrity of restoration – in 88 cases (7.8%). The unacceptable state was observed in 519 restorations located on the contact surfaces of the lateral teeth (46.0% of restoration number with impairments) and 260 restorations (23.0%) performed on the contact surfaces of the frontal teeth. The restorations on the chewing surface and the neck area amounted to 196 (17.4%) and 153 (13.6%), correspondingly. Conclusion. The direct restoration of the carious teeth in the private dental clinic was mainly provided with photocomposite materials, while the unacceptable state of restorations was determined in 58.0% of cases. Most of the photocomposite restorations (45.6%) were detected on the contact surfaces of the lateral teeth, moreover, almost half of them being in unacceptable state. The most frequent causes of the unacceptable state of restorations were the marginal staining on the line between the photocomposite material and enamel, the marginal fit disorders concerning material and enamel of the restored tooth and secondary caries. Prospects for further research. The studies on the photocomposite restoration disorders considering their functioning term, localization, volume and materials applied is planned to conduct in future.
teeth, direct restorations, photocomposite materials, clinical evaluation, lesions
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 386-388 pages, index UDK 616.314-089.29.-76.001.5