Zemlianyi O. A., Danilchenko A. K., Yevtushenko T. V., Pisarevskaya I. A., Boyko О., Pismenetska I. Y., Shemet S. A.


About the author:

Zemlianyi O. A., Danilchenko A. K., Yevtushenko T. V., Pisarevskaya I. A., Boyko О., Pismenetska I. Y., Shemet S. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Cadmium (Cd) compounds are highly toxic and cause numerous disorders of various physiological processes in the body. Therefore, the Cd uptake by the body, as well as the adaptive role of the urinary system require further studies to develop means of increasing Cd tolerance. The purpose of the study was to summarize and integrate current information on the routes of Cd uptake, and its effects on animals and humans, and systematically analyze the new data on the mechanisms of Cd toxicity in tissues, organs and organ systems, taking into account the hazards of prolonged “Chronic Low Cd Exposure” (CLCE). The analysis of the recent literature concerning the major ways of Cd entrance into animal and human body was carried out, i.e. via: 1) respiratory tract; 2) gastrointestinal tract; 3) placenta. It was demonstrated that the paradigm in understanding the impact of Cd on human health has now changed: the most relevant problems are not caused by an acute poisoning with Cd compounds; but rather by chronic, during decades, low-level exposure to Cd (CLCE), which already affects a large part of the population worldwide. Emphasis is placed on the role of the urinary system in the accumulation and excretion of Cd from the body. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cadmium effect on kidneys, as well as factors influencing differences in the sensitivity to Cd, in particular, variations in synthesis of molecular transporters DMT1, ZIP14, TRPV6 in conditions of iron deficiency in the body are reviewed. The use of common markers of nephrotoxicity, Cd effect on the cells of the proximal tubules, the glomerular filtration rate, the changes in cell signaling and the role of apoptosis in the response to the toxic effects of cadmium are systematized. Based on the analysis of modern literature, as well as our own studies, we can conclude that the urinary system is the primary target of Cd impact. Parameters of kidney function are informative markers of Cd intoxication, as they react sensitively to small doses of the metal, thus enabling search of the ways to increase resistance to chronic low Cd exposure. Further efforts of researchers should be aimed at establishing the effects of CLCE in the environment at the sites of industrial pollution. The use of nephrotoxicity markers enables non-destructive detection of cadmium intoxication at the early stages, allowing the timely beginning of treatment and prevention measures.


cadmium (Cd), Chronic Low-Dose Cadmium Exposure (CLCE), nephrotoxicity, kidney, proximal tubules (PT), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), microglobulinuria, metallothionein (MT), stress signaling.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 35-40 pages, index UDK 57.084.1+599.323.45