Kolosova I. I., Kosse V. A., Lyulko I. V., Topka E. G., Filippov Yu. A., Alekseenko Z. K., Slesarenko E. G.


About the author:

Kolosova I. I., Kosse V. A., Lyulko I. V., Topka E. G., Filippov Yu. A., Alekseenko Z. K., Slesarenko E. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Introduction. The most dangerous ecotoxicant in the group of heavy metals is cadmium, which due to its migratory ability, tendency to bioaccumulation and polytropic action poses a threat to living organisms, especially in regions with developed industry, which includes Dnipropetrovsk region. According to the results of experimental studies, cadmium intake, even in quantities not exceeding the maximum allowable, forms high values in indicator biosubstrates- blood, urine, placenta, meconium, which can disrupt the physiological course of pregnancy, adversely affect embryogenesis and, consequently, many human diseases can be formed starting from the intrauterine period of ontogenesis. Therefore, the search for biological antagonists that could reduce the toxic effects of cadmium on ontogenesis is anurgent task today. The aim of our study was to experimentally determine the effect of low doses of cadmium citrate in isolation and under conditions of correction of metal citrates on the overall course of rat embryogenesis by intragastric administration. Materials and methods. Determination of the potential embryotoxic effect of cadmium citrate in isolation (at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg) and under conditions of correction with citrates was performed by calculating and comparing standard indicators of embryonic development, namely: average fetal number, total embryonic mortality, preimplantation mortality and post-implantation at 13-th and the 20-th day of embryogenesis. The study used young female Wistar rats weighing 170-200 g. The experimental animals were divided into 6 groups (control, cadmium citrate group, cadmium citrate + cerium citrate, cadmium citrate + germanium citrate, cadmium citrate + zinc citrate, cadmium citrate + nancomposite). From the first to the nineteenth day of pregnancy, females received saline, or citrate solutions according to group. Analysis of results. Our data indicate a pronounced embryotoxic effect of cadmium citrate, which is manifested by significant changesin the following indicatorsin pregnantrats: a decrease in the number of live fetuses perfemale, increased overall embryonic mortality due to preimplantation mortality of embryos in rats compared with the control group. In the groups of combined action of cadmium citrate with cerium / germanium / zinc / nanocomposite citrates (iodine + sulfur + selenium), the use of citrates led to an increasein the studied parameters compared to the cadmium citrate group, which indicates a decrease in the negative impact of cadmium on embryonic mortality


embryogenesis, embryonic mortality, cadmium citrate, experiment.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 96-101 pages, index UDK 612.3:591.39:661.852:661.782-092.9