Nasibullin B. A., Gushcha S. G., Polshchakova T. V.


About the author:

Nasibullin B. A., Gushcha S. G., Polshchakova T. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Recently, in the pathogenesis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), along with psychophysiological factors, much attention is paid to repeated light closed craniocerebral injuries, and attention is paid to changes in the metabolism of regulatory molecules – the nitric oxide cycle and glutamate metabolism. The metabolism of uric acid is closely related to the functioning of the nitric oxide cycle. However, in the available scientific literature, we did not find studies on the mutual changes of these regulatory molecules in persons with PTSD. The study aimed to determine the effect of changes in the indicators of the cycle of nitric oxide and uric acid on the state of the functional activity of the central nervous system in modeling PTSD in rats. Materials and methods. The work was performed on white rats of the Wistar line of outbred breeding. PTSD was modeled in rats by a combination of mild traumatic brain injury and immobilization-cold stress. The state of the functional activity of the central nervous system was assessed by the “open field” method, structural changes in the cerebral cortex were studied using histological preparations. Biochemical methods were used to determine the content of NOx, uric acid, total blood protein; the activity of Ca/Mg-ATP-ase and Na/K-ATP-ase was selected in the liver tissue homogenate. Results. The applied model of PTSD causes disturbance of cognitive and psycho-emotional indicators in experimental animals, similar to those described in persons with PTSD. Microscopically, in the cerebral cortex, focal disorders characteristic of traumatic brain injury were not revealed; however, there are diffuse changes of a hypoxic nature and various modifications in intracerebral vessels (spasm, paresis, perivascular edema). These changes are observed against the background of an increase in the content of NO x and uric acid in the blood and a decrease in the activity of Ca/Mg- and Na/K-ATP-ases. Conclusions. Since NOx affects behavioral reactions associated with anxiety, and an increase in the uric acid content promotes prooxidant urate radicals (precisely in the presence of an increased amount of NOx), an increase in NOx negatively affects the amino acid transport system. This is facilitated by the inactivation of both Ca/Mg- and Na/K-ATP-ases. In general, this creates conditions for the death of endothelial cells and, accordingly, to a violation of intracerebral hemodynamics, contributes to hypoxic changes in the neuronal pool of the cortex. Conclusions. Obviously, impaired metabolism of regulatory molecules can be considered a mechanism of CNS damage pathogenesis in PTSD.


post-traumatic stress disorder, nitric oxide cycle, uric acid, central nervous system dysfunction


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 126-131 pages, index UDK 616.831+616.89]-001.-008.9-092