Kochmar M. Yu., Hetsko O. I., Holovatskyi A. S., Palapa V. Yo., Golosh J. V.


About the author:

Kochmar M. Yu., Hetsko O. I., Holovatskyi A. S., Palapa V. Yo., Golosh J. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Throughout the fetal period of prenatal ontogeny develops the formation of organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, which determines the formation of the topography of the pulmonary and inferior vena cava. The study was performed on 22 human fetuses, 131,0-185,0 mm parietal-coccygeal length in size, which corresponds to the fifth month of prenatal ontogenesis. Using the methods of microscopy, morphometry, histological samples, vascular injection and graphic reconstructions, morphometric parameters of veins, which were processed statistically, were obtained. The topographic features of the pulmonary and inferior vena cava were established. In examined age group, the formation of the inferior vena cava occurs below the lower pole of the right kidney, on the border between IV and V lumbar vertebrae. Both common iliac veins merge at an angle and form the trunk of the inferior vena cava. Topographically, at the level of the lower pole of the right kidney, it is adjacent to the right ureter on the right, and in closely contacts with the aorta up to the level of the kidney gate on the left. The right and left renal veins flow into the inferior vena cava within the height of the kidney. The inferior vena cava deviates to the right and forward above the gate of the right kidney and is adjacent to the lower third of the anterior-medial surface of the right adrenal gland. Three main hepatic veins and a venous duct flow into the upper section of the hepatic part of the inferior vena cava. The lateral and anterior surfaces of the inferior vena cava are adjacent to the pericardium. In 9 fetuses out of 22 (40,9%) two pulmonary veins come out of each lung, but in two cases out of 22 (4,5%) three pulmonary veins drained blood from the right lung. The short trunk of the right superior pulmonary vein flows into the left atrium in the area of the upper lateral angle and is formed by merging the apical, posterior branches and branches of the middle lobe. In seven cases out of 22 (31,8%) the right inferior pulmonary vein is formed from the fusion of the superior branch and the common main vein, and in one case of 22 (4,5%) it is formed at the merger of the superior branch and two veins of the inferior lobe. The superior medial and inferior lateral intersegmental branches merge at right angles and form the right middle pulmonary vein. In 5 cases out of 22 (22,7%) the left superior pulmonary vein is formed due to the fusion of two trunks, and in 3 cases out of 22 (13,7%) – three trunks. The number of small inflows increases in the venous system of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Morphometric parameters of the diaphragmatic and intrapericardial divisions of the inferior vena cava increase in comparison with other divisions.


human fetus, pulmonary veins, inferior vena cava, crown-coccygeal length, prenatal ontogenesis,


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 263-267 pages, index UDK 611.141+611.146+611.013+572.783