Lukyantseva H. V., Pastukhova V. A., Kovalchuk O. I.


About the author:

Lukyantseva H. V., Pastukhova V. A., Kovalchuk O. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The nervous system is important in the mechanisms of the body’s response to exogenous factors, takes an active part in the mobilization of the body’s defenses to counteract adverse factors, traumatic injuries of various etiologies and more. The aim of our study was to study the ultrastructural changes in the hemocapillaries of the cerebral hemispheres after simulated thermal burns of the skin of experimental animals. In an experiment on white adult male rats, a study of changes in the submicroscopic state of the hemocapillaries of the cerebral hemispheres in the dynamics after thermal burns was performed. Simulation of thermal injury was performed by immersing the hind legs of anesthetized animals to the level of the ankle joint in a water bath with a water temperature of 550 C, the duration of thermal exposure – 30 seconds. Submicroscopic studies have shown that 1 hour after thermal burns in animals, there are initial, minor ultrastructural changes in the structural components of the hemocapillaries of the cerebral hemispheres while maintaining the morphofunctional state of the neuro-glialcapillary complex. There is a moderate blood supply to the microvessels, their lumens are not dilated. 24 hours after the simulation of thermal burn injury in the nervous tissue of animals, destructive alternative changes are detected, manifested by damage to the ultrastructure of endothelial cells, the nuclei become swollen, altered in shape with a predominance of heterochromatin. The basement membrane in the wall of the microvessel is thickened, there are no microvilli on the lumenal surface, as well as a few microbubbles and caveolae, which leads to disruption of transendothelial transport, significant perivascular edema is determined. The degree of tissue damage of the nervous system 24 hours after the burn was more significant compared with the changes detected 1 hour after the of the burn.


burn, hemocapillaries, brain, submicroscopic changes.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 268-271 pages, index UDK 616.133.33-091.8-06:616-001.17]-092.9