Hajoshko O. B.


About the author:

Hajoshko O. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Inflammatory processin alveolus at tooth extracting is more often healed affecting further complicated diseases. Scientists and scholars focus their researches on the development of new treatment techniques comparing the objective abilities in the healing wounds rate. As a basis for the objective abilities in the healing wounds rate was taken the planimetry of L.N. Popova’s (1942) method. The given method has been improved by replacing the paper-based data medium on electronic one applying computer software lpSquare. The gist of the given approach: after tooth extracting the alveolus was shot by digital camera with flexible optical fiber. The camera was connected to the computer. The alveolus image was processed by lpSquare. The image was scanned. The wound area was calculated. After surgery the measuring process was repeated on the first, third, seventh, and fourteenth days. To analyze the clinical effectiveness 160 patients were under study. The nearest clinical studies were carried out daily after patient’s request and on the first, third, seventh, and fourteenth days after tooth extraction. All patients were divided into three groups depending on the treatment due to age, sex, and length of disease. The first (control) group consisted of 20 clinically healthy patients with intact dentition and parodontium. The second (main) studying group consisted of the patients having got a surgery of extracting tooth based on the previously developed by us technique. The treatment technique was oriented on the pectin basis. The third group consisted of 70 patients having got a surgery of extracting tooth based on the approved treatment protocols. The reduction rate analysis of the wound dimensions in sm2 was carried out by the index of wound area reduction in per cent within 24 hours. The average deviation was calculated by the formula: ơ²=P(1–P); ơ=√ơ²; ơ≤1 – permissible deviation. The statistic processing of the results was carried out applying Statsoft STATISTICA. Microsoft Office Excel was used to calculate the absolute risk. After surgery of extracting tooth the number of aftereffects of a disease like alveolitis was observed in the second group of patients (with pectin substance application). It was observed in 1 patient with appointed extraction and in 7 patients with an urgent surgery. In the third group of patients with the traditional treatment it was observed in 2 patients with appointed extraction and in 10 patients with an urgent surgery. The improved objective planimetric method for after surgery wounds analysis allows to quickly accept the treatment technique. The data analysis allows the doctor to make an option of the treatment technique to avoid after extracting tooth surgery complicated effects. The study of the wounded surface, improved by the electronic equipment of planimetric indices applying lpSquare software, discovered the reparative processes activation when using pectin bandages combined with hygienic-prophylactic means based on pectin. Statistic studies authentically prove the absolute risks reduction as well as the after surgery effects of extracting teeth risks with regard to appointed and urgent surgeries in the group of patients being treated with pharmacopeial forms based on pectin substances. For the first time, it has been devised the paste-like consistency of pharmacological form based on apple pectin for preventing the alveolar periostites onset and studied the discharge of reactants from it. It has been optimized the planimetry technique for impartial assessment of wounds healing rate with the help of computer soft IpSquare. For the first time, it has been proved the clinical, social and economic efficiency of the new therapeutic hygienic – prophylactic complex devised by us. It was performed by means of impartial monitoring the dynamics of wounds healing. Hygienic – prophylactic complex is the practical measures and means that are employed for the effective advancement of wounds healing when the teeth were extracted and the cut of the post-operational period. For the first time, it has been scientifically proved and completed the techniques of efficiency improvement for wounds healing as the step-wise physician’s mode or algorithm of the modern curation of the patients being on scheduled or urgent interference at the surgical outpatient appointment. It undergoes with the advancement when the teeth being extracted employing the exogenous and endogenous therapeutic and hygienic – prophylactic means based on apple pectin. The wounds healing process reduced in 1,5-2 times.


tooth extraction, alveolitis, prevention.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 310-315 pages, index UDK 616.314-084+616.314-089+547.458.88