Kulai O. O., Kaskova L. F., Khmil O. V., Yanko N. V., Artemyev A. V.


About the author:

Kulai O. O., Kaskova L. F., Khmil O. V., Yanko N. V., Artemyev A. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Dates about using of gel with peptide complex and NeoVitin in complex treatment of desquamative gingivitis related to hormone disfunction in adolescents represented in the article. Clinical and paraclinical signs of adolescents showed significant efficacy of enhanced complex treatment, which included the topical using of gel Vivax Dent, Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste, medicines Cholisal and Bactoblis, and the general using of antihistamine medicine and multivitamin complex with minerals. Adolescents were divided on 2 groups: the first group got complex treatment without gel with polypeptides and NeoVitin, the second one got complex treatment with gel with polypeptides and NeoVitin. The group of adolescents which used gel Vivax Dent demonstrated significant decrease in gingivitis degree. Changes in paraclinic indices proved efficacy of treatment. After 3-5 days РМА, OHI(S), PBI indices significantly decresed. РМА in the 1st group before treatment was 27,78±4,09%, in the 2d group – 23,87±2,84% (р˃0,05; t=0,8) and after treatment – 8,22±1,2% і 4,58±0,92% accordingly (р˂0,05; t=2,4). OHI (S) in the groups before treatment was 0,930±0,029 and 0,928±0,024 balls (р˃0,05; t=0,05), and after treatment accordingly 0,73±0,038 і 0,62±0,020 balls (р˂0,05; t=2,6). PBI was 1,1±0,1 and 0,97±0,1 balls before treatment (р˃0,05; t=1,6) and 0,34±0,03 and 0,16±0,02 balls accordingly after treatment (р˂0,05; t=5,0). The impact of gel Vivax Dent on development of inflammation process based on peptide effect, which strengthened vessel wall and prevents its damage, minimizing gum bleeding, and thymus peptide, which increases cell immunity in oral cavity, prevents bacteria development, improves barrier functions of oral mucosa, and intensifies substance exchange and tissues regeneration. Results of the using of antinflammation medicine included polypeptide complex and NeoVitin in treatment of desquamative gingivitis related to hormone disfunction in adolescents allow to study its for treatment of periodontal disease and oral mucosa diseases in children.


desquamative gingivitis, adolescents, complex treatment.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 325-328 pages, index UDK 616.311.2-002-086