Zaitsev A. V., Boichenko O. M., Sidash Yu. V., Kotelevska N. V., Nikolyshyn A. K.


About the author:

Zaitsev A. V., Boichenko O. M., Sidash Yu. V., Kotelevska N. V., Nikolyshyn A. K.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Currently, the normal microflora is considered to be the open biocenosis of the microorganisms occurring in a healthy host organism. This biocenosis is physiological and helps to maintain the healthy status of the body, as well as its proper physiological functioning. However, reducing the body resistance may initiate the complications caused by the microbiocenoses representatives in the course of various human diseases. The representatives of microbiocenoses themselves become the etiological factor of disease state, including dental caries and periodontal diseases. Considering the high prevalence of the mentioned pathologies among the human representatives, they become of the great social significance. Particularly, at the present stage of human development, the ambiguity in the microflora functionality causes its multiple evaluations in medical specialists and representatives of other fields of science. The controversial and unclear aspects in the study of microbiocenoses, as well as the unexplored gaps in this field make it relevant to conduct the further research of biotopes. The microflora species composition of the oral cavity varies throughout the life of the individual. The primary penetration of bacteria into the oral cavity occurs when the fetus passes through the birth canal. The initial microflora is already replaced on 2-7 day by bacteria living in the oral cavity of mother and maternity unit staff. During the first months of life, aerobes and facultative anaerobes predominate in the oral cavity of the child. It is explained by the absence of the teeth rows in babies, necessary for obligate anaerobes existence. Teeth eruption causes the sharp changing in the qualitative composition of microorganisms characterized by the appearance and rapid increase in the number of obligate anaerobes. At the same time, the distribution of microorganisms and “colonization” of the oral cavity according to the anatomical features of the certain biotopes occur. In this case, the numerous microsystems with the relatively stable microbiocenoses are formed. Spirochetes and bacteroids appear in the oral cavity only nearly 14 years of age, which is associated with the age-related changes in the body endocrine profile. The human immune system becomes mature by this time. During this period, the risk of gingivitis and various types of stomatitis increases. The changes in the oral cavity microflora of adults occur either in case of dental diseases, or as a result of the teeth loss and their replacement with the dental prostheses, or in systemic diseases accompanied by disbacteriosis. Considering the above mentioned, it can be noted that the role of the biotopes links inside the host organism and between them is underestimated and poorly studied, although it should greatly influence on the relations between the structure and functioning of the body in normal and pathological conditions. Therefore, it can be assumed that the primary aim of the biotopes study is the functioning investigation, which is changing due to the ecological transformations, and also affects the organism morphology and its changes. In turn, determining the functional links between the biotopes representatives provides the new methods and means implementation influencing microbioms.


dental plaque, microorganisms, research methods


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 15-20 pages, index UDK 616.314-008.4-008-008