Pavlenkova E. V., Pavlenko S. A., Sidorova A. I., Tkachenko I. N.


About the author:

Pavlenkova E. V., Pavlenko S. A., Sidorova A. I., Tkachenko I. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


At the moment, there is often a mutual cooperation between an osteopath and a dentist, since the maxillo-dental system can be identified as one of the components of osteopathy. This is due to the fact that the condition of the teeth can directly affect other parts of the body. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to identify the relationship between osteopathy and dental health indicators. Unfortunately, very few people know that bite correction, incorrect prosthetics and even one incorrectly placed seal can lead to significant health problems. Conversely, a violation of balance in the locomotor system in the body can be the main cause of dental problems. Experimental and clinical studies that have been carried out lately show the relationship between the cervical spine and the position of the mandible and occlusion in the aspect of the development of functional disorders in these areas. Many researchers point to the maximum correlation in the development of functional disorders in the craniomandibular system and craniocervical department. According to Corr, without stable occlusion can not be healthy in the functional sense of the spine. As a result of the incorrect position of the occlusive plane, the gravitational forces and the tone of the chewing muscles are in a state of imbalance, which leads to destabilization of the whole system with the development of muscular hypertonia, posture changes, degeneration of the masticatory system and the development of chronic pain syndrome. So, we see that it is not enough to localize the problem in just one place, for example, simply by placing a seal – if you do not align the spine or eliminate the cause that leads to an imbalance of the body as a whole, the seal or other dental structure will continue to collapse. And not only the problem with the teeth, but also a number of aggregate problems that will only intensify and develop without proper treatment.


occlusion, posture, occlusal disorders bite, osteopathy


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 28-31 pages, index UDK 616.31-06:616.71