Shundryk M. A., Marchenko I. Ya., Tkachenko I. M., Lobach L. N.


About the author:

Shundryk M. A., Marchenko I. Ya., Tkachenko I. M., Lobach L. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In modern conditions, a smile is of great importance not only in private but also in the professional and social life. Due to violations of the communicative and social functions which related to the aesthetic perception of one’s own face, people in many cases are feeling the psychological tension and discomfort, often close in themselves the circle of communication is narrowing. Aesthetic dental defects do not allow smile openly, people try to speak, slightly opening their lips, many of them feeling that others carefully look out for their defects. Therefore, when referring to the dentist, patients wish to improve the aesthetic parameters of the face, guided by own ideas about a beautiful smile and evaluation of aesthetic results of dental treatment is very actual problem not only for the doctor, but also for the patient. There are certain quality assessment criteria “aesthetic smile” which represents a complex that includes healthy teeth, a healthy gum and red border of the lips. A very important factor creation a perfect smile is the definition of the relationship between the type and size of the lips to the degree openness of the front teeth at static and dynamic conditions. Static condition is observed with slightly open lips (when pronouncing the sound “M”), when the teeth do not touch, perioral muscles are relatively relaxed. A perception of tooth at static condition influenced by four factors: the length of the lip, age, race and gender (LARS). At creation a perfect smile by a dentist, should be considered, that the number of teeth of the upper jaw open to review is inversely proportional to age and the number of opened by the lip teeth of the lower jaw is directly proportional to age. The article presents an analysis of the evaluation of the criteria for an ideal smile. To determine the aesthetic results of dental treatment is necessary to consider the quality of the finished restoration, the relationship between the type and size of the lips to degree openness of the frontal teeth, compliance with the criteria of aesthetic smile. Applying the semi-quantitative method which is to determine the significant characteristics of the person before and after treatment is promotes increasing concreteness and psychological perceptions of a patient evaluation of aesthetic results of dental treatment.


face, aesthetics, smile, teeth, lips


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 32-35 pages, index UDK 611.92:616.31