Vivchar R. Ya., Lapovets’ L. Ye.


About the author:

Vivchar R. Ya., Lapovets’ L. Ye.



Type of article:

Scentific article


To date, unexplained reasons and pathogenic mechanisms, which underlie the development and progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) remain. It is generally recognized that MS in etiological terms is a multifactorial disease. Today it is thought that MS is an autoimmune process that arises in the body with a genetically determined defect in the immune response and is marked by myelin defeat. Lecithin is a major component in the formation of myelin and is an important component of cellular membranes. It feeds fat shells, which cover nerve fibers. There is evidence that the use of lecithin leads to remission of multiple sclerosis. Study of changes in levels of cytokines at different stages of development of MS in the use of patients with lecithin is an interesting and relevant research.The aim of the study was to investigate the changes in levels of cytokines (IL1β, IL-33, IL-2, TNF-α) in serum of patients with various forms of multiple sclerosis before and after administration of lecithin.135 patients with a verified diagnosis of MS were examined based on MacDonald criteria from 19 to 65 years old (59 women, 76 men). Primary progressive type of flow is established in 45 patients, secondary progressive – 45, remitting-recurrent type of course – in 45 patients. The control group consisted of 80 virtually healthy male volunteers aged 25-45 years. The determination of interleukins (IL-1β, IL-2, TNF-α) was carried out using a set of reagents from VectorBest Company, Ukraine. The level of IL-33 was determined using a set of Human IL-33 ELISA Kit reagents (Bender Medsystems, Austria). Part of patients (60 people with different clinical forms of MS) besides standard therapy, it is suggested to take capsules of lecithin for three months. They took biologically active additive Lecithin (1 capsule – 560 mg lecithin) from Natures Sunshine (USA) 1 capsule twice daily with food. In patients with a primary progressive form of MS, the level of IL-1β remained higher than normal (2.7 times), but decreased 1.4 times compared to a similar group of patients who did not use lecithin. Patients with secondary progressive MS after treatment with lecithin also showed a decrease in the level of IL-1β (1.5 times compared with the group that did not use lecithin). In the group of recurrent-progressive MS after administration of lecithin, the level of IL-1β virtually reached the norm of norm. The content of IL-2 in patients with an initially progressive form of MS after a course of lecithin decreased 1.5 times compared with a similar group of patients without lecithin, but remained higher than normal 3.5 times. In patients with a secondary progressive form of MS after administration of lecithin, the level of IL-2 remained twice as high as control, but decreased 1.4 times than in the non-use group of lecithin. The dynamics of changes in the concentration of IL-33 in the examined groups of patients after the course of lecithin was as follows: in the group of patients with the primary progressive form of MS remained 4 times lower, but increased in comparison with the group of patients who did not use lecithin 1.3 times; in the group of patients with a secondary progressive form of MS was three times lower than normal, but increased in comparison with the similar group without lecithin 1.2 times; in patients with recurrent-progressive MS was lower in the 2.4 times, but increased in relation to the group of patients who did not use lecithin1.14 times. The level of TNF-α in subjects with both primary and secondary progressive MS after administration of lecithin was lower (1.15 times and 1.4 times in accordance less). In the group, the remitting-recurring flow of PCs, the TNF-α content was virtually normal. Investigation of the content of cytokines in patients with MS, depending on the activity of the process, makes it possible to predict the course of the disease. As can be seen from the above data, the use of lecithin in patients of all the examined groups contributed to a more pronounced decrease in the levels of proinflammatory cytokines and an increase in the synthesis of IL-33, which is definitely a positive trend.


multiple sclerosis, cytokines, lecithin


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 57-60 pages, index UDK 616.832-004.2:615.279-042.3:612.017