Krinichko L. R., Lokes K. P., Stavitsky S. O., Grigorov S. М., Voloshina L. I.


About the author:

Krinichko L. R., Lokes K. P., Stavitsky S. O., Grigorov S. М., Voloshina L. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of the study. The article is devoted to the study of biochemical mechanisms of regulation of regeneration processes after surgical incisions of the skin. The material for the biochemical study was the homogenate of the scar tissue and the intact skin (control group) obtained after surgical excision of scars and excess skin during surgical interventions of the neck cysts of the embryonic origin. Objects and methods of the study. It was studied the dynamics of changes in the active forms of oxygen (AFO) in the skin homogenate of different experimental groups. The result of study. It was found that in patients who received PRF-clot (first group) during surgery, the percentage of AFO in 3 months of supervision was significantly lower by 26.6%, after 6 months – by 10.9% and 9 months later – by 12.2% relative to the patient’s data of the control group. In patients of the first and third groups, after 12 months of observation, the percentage of AFO practically was not different. The level of the researched index varied during the observation period. Thus, in patients who received a PRFclot during surgery, after 6 months the percentage of AFO was by 18.5% lower, relatively to the data of the previous observation period, after 9 months – by 16.2% (p <0, 01). It was noted the positive dynamics and normalization of AFO indecies after 12 months of supervision. Thus, the percentage of AFO in all experimental groups after 3 and 6 months was significantly higher than the intact group ((13.63 ± 0.60)%). After 9 months of observation, the positive dynamic was observed. Is was the significant decrease of the AFO percentage in all experimental groups, relatively to the data after 3 months of supervision. The level of the studied index in the second group reached the control values. The percentage of AFP practically was not different from the data of the intact group for patients from the second and third groups after 12 months. It was found that in patients who received PRF-clot during surgery, the activity of lipoperoxidation after 3 months of observation was significantly lower by 12.4%, after 9 months – by 11.1%, relatively to the data of the third group. This index was not significantly different in the patients of the first and third groups after 6 and 12 months. The level of this inex has varied during the observation period. Thus, in patients who received a PRF clot during surgery, after 6 months the activity of lipoperoxidation was by 23.0% (p <0.001) lower, relatively to the data of the previous observation period, after 9 months – by 21.8% (p <0.001). The highest levels of activity of lipoperoxidationwere found in patients of the control group (after 3 months of observation, a significant prevalence by 85.9%, after 6 months – by 35.4% and 9 months later – by 10.2%). The lowest levels of activity of the biochemical indecieswere observed in patients who received PRF-clot during surgery and drug Biocerulin at the post-operative stage. So, in 3 months this index exceeded the index of intact group by 40.2%, after 6 months – by 12.8% and after 9 months – it was not significantly different. Conclusions. The recieved data proves the necessity of using of non-invasive methods of preventing the occurrence of pathological scars.


scar, neck cysts, active forms of oxygen


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 95-98 pages, index UDK [616.716+617.52]-003.92-08