Voloshyna I. M., Korablin D. I.


About the author:

Voloshyna I. M., Korablin D. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Dental caries in children and adults is the main problem in present-day dentistry and becomes not only medical, but also the social problem. The social disadaptation of person is associated with the dental esthetic disorders, loss of their function and makes the person less active, decreases the ability to work, communication and activity effectiveness. Dental caries decreases the quality of life due to the number of reasons. Teeth play the important role in the active verbal communication, normal speech, sociability at any age and, consequently, fullness of psychic and behavioral responses. The issues on caries development prediction are constantly discussed in scientific literature. The term “risk of caries development” was suggested by E.V. Borovskiy and V.K. Leontiev in 2001. Currently, the dental caries detection causes and risk prediction of its development become the basic issues for the patient-specific programs of dental caries prevention in present-day dentistry. The attempts to carry out the dental caries prediction often don’t take into account the somatic status and general state of the whole organism. While providing the health care for population, the modern medicine traditionally suggests a narrowly specialized approach. The main characteristics in this case include physical and neuropsychic development of person, resistance to acute diseases, functional state of the organism, presence or absence of chronic diseases and/or congenital malformations. However, the dental status is not regarded as the constituent part of the general health status in this system, despite the fact that the effect of unsatisfactory oral cavity condition on the development and chronization of somatic pathology was proved by many scientists. One of the global targets by 2020 year was determined by the World Health Organization (WHO), namely, reduction of the dental diseases prevalence and mortality caused by them, thereby, to improve the life quality. The health problems of women population have become topical nowadays. Considering the current data on women population health, WHO experts recommended to provide the complex of practical measures, particularly, in early and juvenile age, because the health disorders in this period of life may affect the further development of the growing organism. Complex and comprehensive measures become the main factors for population health improvement. According to statistical data, the constant increase in the number of children with decompensated form of caries has been observed, which cannot be improved by providing only the dental measures for their oral health. The highrisk dental caries is characterized by the rapid and active progressive course. Only the close interaction of pediatricians and dental specialists can improve the general health status of population.


dental caries, dental health status, treatment, risk factors, prediction


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 139-141 pages, index UDK 616.314-002