Kuroedova V. D., Halich L. B., Makarova A. N.


About the author:

Kuroedova V. D., Halich L. B., Makarova A. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Department of doctor-orthodontist’s postgraduate education, has been the main specialized department in Ukraine at the specialty of “Orthodontics” since 2001. To develop clinical thinking of doctors, the department uses a number of modern educational technologies aimed at both high theoretical training and perfection of practical skills. In the course of theoretical training with cadets we provide: lectures, seminars, medical history challenges using multimedia presentation, abstracts preparation for scientific conferences. The theoretical training of a modern cadet, presupposes an active self-employed work, the organization of which is helped by the methodical guidelines that we developed, teaching aids, etc. At transfer to the European system of teaching, the department is expands access for teachers and cadets to data banks of new scientific directions, new educational literature, new computer classes, phantoms and dummys. Practical classes for cadets provide involvement in the clinical and work in a dental laboratory. During practical training, cadets master skills needed for working with orthodontic patients of different ages, the latest diagnostic methods (cephalometric, CBCT), modern removable and non-removable orthodontic techniques. In the dental laboratory master the stages of manufacturing removable orthodontic apparatus, control-diagnostic models, bite patterns and etc. In the training process of the “Specialization” cycle, there are 3 intermediate exams, that allows cadets to more thoroughly approach orthodontic study and successfully prepare for the final exam. The Department of doctor-orthodontist’s postgraduate education uses final examination as a last monitoring method to check cadet-doctors acquired knowledge. At this exam we assess the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills done by “Orthodontics” curriculum and the Ministry of Health program. This examination provides extensive knowledge control, that includs independent computer testing and practical exams (based on real clinical cases). That’s why various modern methods of training and future doctors’s knowledge monitoring, increases motivation of mastering own profession and effectiveness of provided materials, which leads to increasions of future doctors’s professional skills.


postgraduate education, orthodontics, practical skills


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  5. Kuroiedova VD, Halych LB, Chykor TO, Makarova OM, Trofumenko KL, Dovzhenko AV. Pro neobkhidnist vkliuchennia elementiv zubotekhnichnoi pidhotovky likariv-kursantiv iz fakhu «Ortodontiia». Materialy navchalno-naukovoi konferentsii z mizhnarodnoiu uchastiu «Innovatsiini tekhnolohii v orhanizatsii samostiinoi roboty studentiv medychnykh osvitnikh zakladiv». 2017. s. 80-2. [in Ukrainian].

Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 145-150 pages, index UDK 378:616.314-089.23