Morozova N. S., Golovchak G. S., Korobkova I. V., Popov A. A., Ridny S. V.


About the author:

Morozova N. S., Golovchak G. S., Korobkova I. V., Popov A. A., Ridny S. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In the article actual problems of effective struggle against healthcare associated infections (HAI) are formulated. One of the key components of the HAI prevention system is the proper training of medical personnel of all ranks. The article gives an overview of the measures aimed at increasing the level of professional competencies of medical workers in the field of non-specific prevention of HAI. The wide spread of hospital strains having a large arsenal of adaptation mechanisms characteristic of opportunistic microorganisms, the expansion of the range of disinfectants used, the lack of a unified strategy for the use of disinfectants in practical public health care requires a change in the methodological approaches to the use of disinfectants, methods and technologies of nonspecific prevention, and therefore, level of competence of the personnel of the higher and middle level. There is evidence and justification for the existing link between the participation of trained health professionals in the field of infection control and the higher results of HAI prevention The issue is discussed of participation of disinfection’s specialists of the public health centers in the form of sanitary-epidemiologic audit in the production control of HAI in medical organizations . The effectiveness of the fight against HAI is determined by proper training and continuous adherence to the professional culture of using safe methods in the provision of medical care. Proceeding from this, it is necessary to create Infection Prevention and Control Programmes (IPCPs), identifying the core components required for different levels of health care, from the national to the health care facility.


healthcare associated infections, professional training of medical workers


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 156-160 pages, index UDK 378.147; 614.446