Potiaghenko M. M., Kytura O. E., Nastrohha T. V., Lyulka N. O., Sokolyuk N. L.


About the author:

Potiaghenko M. M., Kytura O. E., Nastrohha T. V., Lyulka N. O., Sokolyuk N. L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The professional orientation of modern education, especially at the higher medical school, should have a personality-oriented approach. The concept of the practical orientation of learning, as the main component of modern didactic principles, is to provide clear links and interdependencies between the process of obtaining professional knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities, in accordance with the requirements of the educational and qualification characteristics of a specialist. Main part. A priority in shaping the professional identity of a specialist is the well-designed professional-oriented training at the final stage of training graduates in internship. On the profile department, the lecture material provided for by the curriculum is provided exclusively in the problem format and the motivational-target aspect with the practical orientation and stimulation of the cognitive interests of the listeners. The main type of interns work on profile and adjacent departments is independent practical medical activity, that is, the curation of patients in the clinic under the direction of a teacher. The number of hours allocated to the practical training of interns is 70-75% of the total academic time. The special accent during the independent practical medical activity of interns is on the receipt of skills of professional trade that is, the development and mastering of professional practical skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements of qualified characteristics. Among the numerous types of problem learning, workshops as an active discussion form of collective discussion of the most complex clinical issues, takes a special place in the training of interns to independent professional activities. A significant place in the formation of professional competencies is given to clinical conferences, which are held 2 times a month on the profile department with the involvement of all interned physicians who study in the full-time section. The involvement of active participation in the work of scientific-practical and pathologoanatomical conferences among the interns are promote professional competence. Essential role in mastering skills, assimilation of fundamental and professional knowledge is provided by modern innovative methods and technologies of teaching educational material. Created on the profile department of the computer class, which is equipped with modern audio-video equipment with an Internet resource and WEB-page provides an opportunity to diversify the organization of educational and cognitive activity, independent search of the necessary scientific information, its creative embodiment in practical work for the achievement the assignement. Ensuring optimal conditions for mastering practical skills and developing professional skills of interns in the specialty “Internal Diseases” contributes to their active involvement in daily work in the educational-practical pulmonological center of the profile department. In this center the staff of the department (professor, associate professors), together with doctors-interns, conduct the consultative receptions among patients with multifarious therapeutic pathology. With the active participation of interns, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are performed. Conclusions 1. Practically oriented study in internship forms the future specialist’s ability to correctly use the fundamental knowledge and skills to solve specific practical problems. 2. This system significantly increases the level of professional practical training, as well as the competence of interns, adapting them to a successful independent creative professional activity in modern conditions with real patients at the next stages of work.


vocational training, interns, intership


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 169-172 pages, index UDK 378.147:614.25