Skrypnikov P. M., Khmil T. A., Dubyna V. O., Korobeinikova Yu. L., Butovich M. I.


About the author:

Skrypnikov P. M., Khmil T. A., Dubyna V. O., Korobeinikova Yu. L., Butovich M. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article deals with the issues of introduction of innovative technologies at the department of postgraduate education of dental surgeons of the HSIA “UMSA”. The educational process at the department has always been consistent with the development of modern dentistry. Teachers are willing and able to adapt to modern conditions at the expense of mastering modern technologies through additional training in training centers, visiting international master classes, overseas internships at universities and manufacturing firms. The department has the opportunity to provide information to interns and doctors-cadets on the cycle “Information technology in dentistry”, which involves studying the use of computers in dental practice, allowing doctors to master computer and digital techniques for the effective use of it in their daily work. The implemented distance technologies in the postgraduate education of dental practitioners provide the opportunity for continuous development, the provision of equal rights in professional development irrespective of place of residence, dynamic learning process and creation of high intensity information flow for a considerable number of listeners. An important place in the implementation of innovations is the long-term cooperation of the department with private dental clinics and offices in Poltava (clinics “Professor’s dentistry”, “Apolonia”, “Ortex”, “Mahaon”, dental laboratory “MIKS-LAB”, etc.). During classes on these bases show modern technologies of diagnostics of dental diseases, treatment and restoration of teeth, implantology, practical demonstrations and trainings for interns. Implementation of innovative training technologies increases the quality of postgraduate education of dental surgeons at the present stage. The acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills allow doctors to introduce and apply modern diagnostic and treatment facilities at their workplaces.


postgraduate education, innovation, stomatology


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 178-180 pages, index UDK 378.2:616.31:614.25