Sokolovska V. M., Tsvetkova N. V., Kucherenko T. V.


About the author:

Sokolovska V. M., Tsvetkova N. V., Kucherenko T. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article is devoted to the problem of toxic influence of prostheses made of acrylic polymers on the tissues of the prosthetic bed and the search for ways to improve the physical and chemical parameters of polymeric base materials. For this purpose a new method of polymerization of acrylates in the ultrasonic field is proposed, which will enable to increase the efficiency of orthopedic treatment of patients with partial and complete loss of teeth. According to the results of laboratory studies, the bases of removable plate prostheses, which are manufactured using ultrasound technology, have 1.5 times higher strength, a 50% lower residual monomer level and a 40% lower water absorption rate. Investigation of the temperature regime of the mucous membrane is one of the indicators of violation of trophic tissues, the severity of pathological changes, the process of adaptation to prosthetics. To study the effectiveness of the proposed technology for the manufacture of bases of removable plate prosthesis, the parameters of the temperature of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed in the patients’ groups during the adaptation to the prostheses and at different periods of their use were studied. For example, after one month of use of prosthesis, the temperature indices in patients with ultrasound prostheses remained unchanged. Then, as in patients who used dentures manufactured using traditional technology, temperature indices indicated an inflammatory reaction to prosthetics and a violation of the processes of thermoregulation. This was confirmed by microbiological research: in such conditions the high temperature increased the number of microorganisms both on the mucous membrane and on the basis of the prosthesis. The analysis of the obtained results shows that under the basis of prosthetics, which are manufactured using ultrasound technology, a lower reaction of inflammation, no violation of thermoregulation, a better process of self-cleaning of the mucous membrane. The obtained results of thermometric studies make it possible to conclude that complete removable plate prostheses made by the polymerization technology of the base material in the ultrasound field, due to the lower thickness of the basis, do not violate the processes of trophic tissues, since they produce less pressure on the substrate tissues; do not violate the thermoregulation. All this contributes to a better adaptation to prosthetics, reduces the negative effect of bases on the tissues of the prosthetic bed. The analysis of the results of clinical and laboratory studies in the observation groups has established the best indicators of the functional quality of removable plate prostheses, made by ultrasonic polymerization.


prosthetic stomatitis, prosthetic base, polymeric materials, water absorption, removable plate prosthesis, polymerization, ultrasound


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 191-194 pages, index UDK 616.311:617.463