Semenova A. K.


About the author:

Semenova A. K.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Changes in the structural components of the rat dorsum linguae mucosa after the exposute to methacrylate 1%, manifested by thickening of the epithelial plate of the corpus linguae mucosa caused by hyperkeratosis have been studied. Before day 30 of the experiment, a progressive thinning of the epithelium due to trophism disorder was detected. The lamina propria showed the events of dystrophy and hydration of the amorphous substance. In the resistance section of the microvasculature, dilatation was detected at the early stages of the experiment, transforming into narrowing at day 30. The exchange section responded by the narrowing of the lumens throughout the experiment. The mean value of the diameter of the lumen of the capacitive section was increased from day 14 to day 30 of the experiment. Therefore, changes in the structure of the corpus linguae mucosa were caused by both the direct effect of methacrylate 1% on the epithelial plate and circulatory disturbance.


mucous membrane, dorsum linguae, rats, methacrylate 1%


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 226-228 pages, index UDK 611.316:616.314-76