Garmash O. V.


About the author:

Garmash O. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of the research is to study the features of the dental state in children in the Kharkiv population who were born with macrosomia during the period of temporary dental occlusion. The study takes into account intrauterine body length growth acceleration, intrauterine obesity or well-balanced acceleration of both the body mass and length gain. Object and methods. Seventy three children (41 boys and 32 girls) born with macrosomia have been examined. The comparison group has been formed of 36 children (22 boys and 14 girls) who were born with standard mass-height parameters. To determine how somatometric parameters at birth influence children’s dental state, all children from the main group have been split into four subgroups in accordance with mass-height parameters at birth using the V. I. Grischenko and his co-authors’ harmonious coefficient. The evaluation of the hygiene status of the participants’ oral cavity has been performed using the Fedorova-Volodkin index, 1971. The dental caries intensity (DMF) has been evaluated. The quantitative analysis of minor salivary gland secretion has been performed using V. I. Yakovleva method. The quantitative analysis of the diagnostic models has been made for children aged 4.5–6.5 years (during the period of reduction in temporary dental occlusion). The palatine height index was measured, the occlusion of dental rows for 2nd molars, incisors, and canines in three planes was evaluated, the form and size dental rows was estimated, and the abnormality in individual teeth was evaluated. The evaluation of the mean values of parameters under study was performed using MS Excel 2016. The testing of hypothesis about differences in the mean values among small groups was made using methods of nonparametric statistics (employing the Mann-Whitney criteria) and using the Statistica 6.0 package. The percentage of the cases in the groups and subgroups with the respective confidence intervals and the significance level p of 0.05 were estimated for the binomial distribution law of the random value. Conclusions. The children who were born with macrosomia during the period of temporary dental occlusion show high caries intensity. The lowest caries intensity was observed in macrosomic children who were born with long body height (early developer) in combination with intrauterine obesity. The children who were born with macrosomia have a decreased number (by 2–4 glands) of minor salivary glands per unit area as compared to that in normosomic children. The secretion of minor salivary glands in macrosomic children has also decreased by 22% as compared to that in normosomic children. The macrosomic children with harmonious intrauterine development, the children with relatively decreased intrauterine body weight, and the children with intrauterine acceleration with obesity in the background have the palatine height index reliably higher than the index in comparison group. The pre-school age children who were born with macrosomia have reliably higher percentage of pathologic occlusion as compared with normosomic children, in particular, deep bite (73% vs. 17% in the comparison group). This can indicate the violation of the development in frontal part of the lower dental arch in the macrosomic children. Among the macrosomic children, the lowest percentage of these abnormalities was revealed in the children with harmonious intrauterine development. Therefore, the dental status in the children who were born with macrosomia in the period of temporary occlusion significantly differs from the dental status in the children who were born with normal weight-height parameters. The data obtained form the basis for the development of individual prevention programs against forming possible violations in craniofacial complex in such a group of children.


fetal macrosomia, oral cavity, deep occlusion


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 246-253 pages, index UDK 616.314.17- 008.1- 085: 618.3- 053.1- 071.1